Saturday, November 17, 2007

If you need to find me...

I am taking a weekend getaway.
Well, a partial weekend getaway, and actually it is not to "getaway" as much as it is to "get-it-together" and deal with some issues I have been avoiding.
I am not excited about going because I know that God has some major dealing to do with me...
I am taking one small bag. My Bible, a journal, toiletries, a change of clothes, and some PJs...

So, if you are reading this on Sunday or Monday, would you mind praying for me? Just pray that I would listen, hear clearly, and seek to obey entirely...

And check out these pics....


Rebecca said...

Been praying!!

Did God tell you what you thought - did you listen, take action.

It's never fun to have those time, but he knows what he's doing even though we don't.

Not that it has anything to do with it - but I just watched Evan Almighty. Basically God has Evan pull a Noah. Not because he was going to flood the earth - but b/c he knew what was going to happen. Evan looked like a fool for awhile - but he saved his family by listening.

I know it's a sorry comparison - sorry.

I'll continue praying that God would have his way with you.

HeidiZizz said...

are you back?

terriH said...

yes, i've been wondering if you are back as well...been thinking lots about you...

hi heidi :) baby here yet???

love you both!