Thursday, February 14, 2008

My favorite Valentine...

I am spoiled.

Incredibly spoiled.

I have been "single" most of my twenties. Sure, there have been some dates here and there, an occasional thought about more, but for the most part I have been single.

Most people who are single dread Valentine's Day...not me.


Because of my brother.

I don't know why he started, but ever since Valentine's day in 1999, my brother has sent me flowers on Valentine's Day. And we aren't talking a handful of carnations ladies, he sends me flowers.

But this year takes the cake.... He sent a dozen long stem red roses, some chocolate, and the best part...10 percent of the money he spent went to charity! I guess what makes it so special is that he knew that ordering an arrangement where part of the money went to a very worty cause, would mean so much to me.

I have said this about my brother before, many times in fact, but I will say it again; he is one of the most generous people I know. He is an incredibly thoughtful gift giver. He listens to what is important in people's lives, and thinks of the most incredibly meaningful gifts to give them...

So, just in case you didn't get any flowers today from your Valentine, please share the flowers my favorite Valentine sent me....


Laura said...

Cherish such a special bother! Mine usually says' "Sup, Gotta a smoke?". Umm.. Love you to bra.