Friday, March 28, 2008

A riddle of sorts...

How well do you know Ashlee...

I devised a little test to see how well each of you know me.

The higher your score, the more likely you are to figure out when I will post the big 400.

This should be fun!!!

1. The total number of vowels in my full name is ________

2. I started blogging because....

3. My favorite baseball player and team is __________

4. The last date I went on was _____________

5. My favorite magazine is _____________

6. If I could drink one thing for the rest of my life it would have to be....

7. The old friend I had lunch with was my....

8. Thumbs up, thumbs down is a rating system devised for....

9. The most rebellious thing I have ever done was....

10. My first kiss happened where and with whom...

If someone gets all ten of these correct (the first time) I will give them some sort of prize...


Rebecca said...

Me Me Me

Laura said...


Rebecca said...

I was first

Laura said...

I was vacuuming !! AAAAAH

Laura said...

um... look at the time!

Rebecca said...

Boo Ya!!!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

seriously, try to answer those quesitons....


Laura said...

I only know a few of those... like Amber would probably rattle those off.

Rebecca said...

I think it's comment and then read!!!

Laura said...

I know I don't know all these BUT...
1. 3
2. Get thoughts out/online Journal thing, hence the title Rambling. I remember we started at the same time.. you started a week before me.
3. Team Astros.. player.. So many. I am going with Scott. Probably Berkman.
4. I don't know! UGH!
5. Um .. Guess "Revelant"
6. Cinnamon Dolce
7. ???? AMBER??
8. Desserts
9. Went away to school?
10. I don't remember his name. I remember some details about him. The high school guy.. he moved away..but the name.. not there.

Lisa said...

1. I should be working...
2. Because I had a blog first and I'm very cool so you copied me.
3. Luke Scott on the Astros. Not Brad Lidge.
4. Last date was TODAYS LUNCH.
5. Relevant
6. Diet Coke
7. friend from high school who's probably reading this blog now and you're in a panic about my #4
8. Jadyn and Alaina
9. Consider sleeping over at a boy's house.
10. I dunno, it's hard to get you to talk about any relationshipish romantic things from the past! Not my fault for not knowing!

Laura said...

OH was the date that guy you met up at Taft and me and some other LOVING friends followed you??

Laura said...

GEEZZ.. Lisa.. totally showed me up!

Joe said...

i'll let heidi answer those questions...forgive me...but im not even gonna try

Lisa said...

1. 7...I'm addicted I really should be working

Joe said...

i could make stuff up for fun though!

Laura said...

oops .. i did not read the first one right.. I don't think I know your middle name.

Laura said...

oh. I'd like to see that.. that may be really fun.

Rebecca said...

Come on Joe!!

Joe said...

1. The total number of vowels in my full name is 7

2. I started blogging because I thought it would eventually lead to my being able to take over the world.

3. My favorite baseball player and team is Barry Bonds though he no longer plays

4. The last date I went on was recently with the future Mr. Liddell (daddy said he had to change his name cause I couldn't change mine)

5. My favorite magazine is 17

6. If I could drink one thing for the rest of my life it would have to be Kool-aid with a kick.

7. The old friend I had lunch with was my friend Gary Ghoulsby

8. Thumbs up, thumbs down is a rating system devised for my dad to let me know if the guy I brought home would survive the night.

9. The most rebellious thing I have ever done was get an extra shot of expresso at starbucks.

10. My first kiss happened at MCC with Ryan Sanner.

Yep...that pretty much covers it.

Rebecca said...

Nice Joe

Joe said...

gary ghoulsby is just a fun name to say...that's why i put that in there

Ashlee Liddell said...

Heidi so helped you with at least one answer Joe...

Seriously Lisa...I am pretty impressed.

Laura, not too shabby...

Joe, they were hilarious, but not correct.

Laura said...

OH MY GOODNESS>> I had coffee in my nose!

Joe said...

i at least got the first one right...right? Ashlee Anne Liddell?

Laura said...

Your being to kind.. I did not do so good.

Laura said...

That just means we have to do coffee.

Rebecca said...

And I'm so sad - I'm outta here - so no more comment war

Too bad for me if Ashlee posts tonight!!

Rebecca said...

Only _ more posts to go!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

dont worry becca....

i am sure it will be a very fair and shocking time when ashlee posts.....

HeidiZizz said...

i have come to answer the questions....after a long day of not being able to be part of this madness, i will now join in on the party....

1. 7 vowels
2. I wanted to be able to process things going on in my life.
3. Player--not a clue / Team--Houston Astros...**disclaimer...I get points on this just for knowing that the Astros are a baseball team, OK?**
4. Phuong Nguyen
5. Relevant
7. coach or Gary
8. church shopping, of course!
9. coming to KS and doing things better left unsaid at a Christian College!
10. in a car with BBuck.

Well, there you have it. Let's see how many I have right....I'm guessing at least 7.

HeidiZizz said...

ps...I think you're all crazy

Laura said...

hmm.. that was a hint wasn't it Joe.

Joe said...

how is lee anyway queen?

Laura said...


Ashlee Liddell said...

Heidi is definitely the closest...shockingly good at some questions I thought I might stump her on...

this is fun!

Lee is great probably would not recognize him if you saw him....shaved off his beard and mustache, dyed his hair, and lost a lot of weight. Looking good for an old man....

dancing queen said...

1. 7 vowels

2. You started blogging because all the voices inside in your heard were started to make you crazy.

3. Luke Scott / Houston Astros

4. 2005

5. Relevant

6. Diet Coke - although a CDL would be pretty good if you wanted something warm and toasty

7. Lisa

8. it is a rating for everything

9. The most rebellious thing you ever did was dance on the tables while a cruise in the Caribbean.

10. Some guy, some where - back in High school.

Anonymous said...

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