Saturday, March 29, 2008


Yesterday there were 741 hits on this blog...

This week there has been 1134 hits...

Off the chart records for this humble little blog.

Just thought you guys might want an update...and thought I would see who is Saturday addicted too!


Joe said...

YAY...I win another one!

Joe said...

and it's not's devoted!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Right....devoted. That is what I meant....totally....

How did I know it would be you to comment first!

HeidiZizz said...

i thought of a couple of bonus questions for the quiz....

1. where did the name "queen" come from for you?

2. has ashlee ever had anything pierced? if yes, what?


Laura said...

OH well.. I guess I should not have stayed up so late...
2. Her tongue.

Laura said...

As far as Queen.. She has been 'Queen' of something or another forever!

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

so...ashlee...are you very busy this week...cause t looks lik im flying in to houston either tomorrow or tuesday...that way i can just pick up my gift card and save you the comin to town...

Laura said...

OH good.. You can sit and watch me spend my gift card. Tuesday is a great night for me. Bring you camera so you can remember your defeat!

Lisa said...

Aha, hoping to prod Ashlee into posting while you're at your computer by commenting on her blog... It won't work! Ashlee is much too clever to be influenced by such tricks...

(Don't post, I have to study for my mid-term tomorrow!)