Sunday, March 30, 2008

A few birthday pics...

The gorgeous flowers above were given to me today as a birthday present. As beautiful as the actual flowers are, I was particularly amazed with the beauty of the cards placed lovingly throughout this arrangement. That is right coffee addicts, EIGHT Starbucks cards were placed throughout this arrangement.
If I ever win the lottery, or marry rich, to all my coffee drinking bloggers I will gift you with such a bouquet...
Amazing, simply amazing.
And, everyone should have a friend as clever and hilarious as my friend Lisa. She lovingly made this apple pie for Amber and I, in honor of our birthdays... could she be smiling so big because she is the YOUNGEST of the coffee girls?!?!?

What is the most creative gift you've ever received?

What about the most creative gift you have given?


Joe said...

that is so cheating...and yet i still win

Joe said...

it's dang close now!

Laura said...

OH NOT FAIR! Not during Sunday Nap time!!

Laura said...

I will not miss the next one.. I WILL NOT WILL NOT!

dancing queen said...

Do you people actually read what she writes? Or are you overconsumed with the very idea of winning her contest, that you ignore her actual questions?

By the way, Ashlee, the most creative gift I ever received was $30 for my 30th birthday. Doesn't sound very original does it. But, it arrived one dollar at a time - each surrounded one funny, rude or thoughtful "30" card from my older sister. And I received those cards all month before my birthday. It was great! I lived out of town and it was so fun to go to the mailbox each day.

Laura said...

Most creative gift given....cookbook w/ the stuff to make a few of the recipes.
received....Jonathan made me bath soap at school once.

Laura said...

I wonder if Ashlee has thought of the fact that Tuesday is April Fools day...hmmmmm.

And I do read what she writes and answer ALL her questions.

Joe said...

i have no problem admitting that i am "overconsumed with the very idea of winning" and though i had never read ashlee's blog before the contest i have now read each one since i started is my competitive has nothing to do with the prize and everything to do with winning....if for some reason someone manages to weasel in ahead of response will simply be laughter...and either way i get to hang out with lee on tuesday...and come on...who could ask for a better prize...(not that a plate of ashlee's cookies wouldn't be a nice touch as well...) ashlee has already suggested the possibility of posting the big 400 while i am on a plane with my phone good luck to all the other hopefuls

Joe said...

oh and im not sure about the most creative gift that i have given or received....but i think that when i proposed to my wife...that was pretty creative...but you already know that story ashlee

Laura said...

Joe-That sounds like good blog material!

Joe said...

correction...heidi reminded me that the most creative gift that i ever gave was the haha book that i compiled for her....remember that one?

Ashlee Liddell said...

The ha ha book is on a short list of my most memorable and creative gifts as well...

For those who don't know what that is, Joe is married to my best friend, heidi. She saved ever email we sent each other for quite some time (two years?) and he printed out each and every email compiling the "ha ha" book (Heidi and ashlee = ha ha).... it is quite an amazing testimony of friendship centered on God, because if it hadn't been for Him we might have called it quits somewhere in the middle of that there book....

Love you to pieces Heidi...

Ashlee Liddell said...

and by the way all... i have already pre-determined the time of the 400th post.

I have been tempted to change my plan due to information some of you have shared (to help you win, of course!) but decided that the best way is to stick to my original plan.

That is as much of a hint as you will get from me.

Although, Heidi suggested waiting for a month and you all would be so mad at me you would have stopped reading and she could have a chance to win!!!! ;0)

HZ...I will send something with Joe for you!

Laura said...

I think THAT was technically a blog in a blog... : )

HeidiZizz said...

i haven't deleted an email since...volume two is about due to be printed...i also love you to pieces, miss a....

one of my favorite gifts to make and give was the beaded cross that i made for you, ashlee...i have made several since then and each one is unique.

you wanna give me some sort of inside track on the posting of the 400th blog? after all, i'll have the boys by myself and really won't have a snowball's chance in...well, you know

Lisa said...

I had a dream that you posted the 400th post and I was the first to comment. You posted about "pants" which in the dream meant responsibility. Right after I posted, Joe posted a long reply complete with paragraphs and section titles. Translation...this is high stakes here....

Laura said...

This is sad and means we all need therapy.. I to dreamed about post #400. We had to write a paragraph with words that rhymned with 'like' and I wrote it with words that rhymned with 'sight' and lost...
How many hours of counseling do you think I need with that one????

Laura said...

AND.. you note the time... we all overslept today..

Rebecca said...

I'm up and ready to go!! As the saying goes - It's on like Donkey Kong!!!

Lisa said...

You dreamed about the post too Laura? That's hilarious!

Yes, we need Ramblings rehab.

Ashlee Liddell said...

love you all, sorry if you need counseling, the gift card wont cover that!!!

can hardly wait to see who wins....

Rebecca said...

I've been refreshing every minute or so - but now I actually have to do some real work - if the post comes now I'm going to be VERY sad!!!

terriH said...

greetings all. i see i missed out on a whole lotta talking smack. i was there in spirit :)

um, one of the best bday presents was when miss ashlee surprised me in manhattan. that was fun!

ooh, another creative bday gift was the first bday (2006) that i spent with my husband (but he was my fiance then) and his 3 girls. they went to the dollar store (their favorite place) and were able to pick out items for me. the items were hilarious. but the funniest was suzie's (she's the middle child)...she had gotten me 3 little porcelain type trinkets and she had already pre-determined where they would go in the house:
1. little teapot - kitchen
2. little bathtub thingy - bathroom
3. little round white holder thingy with purple baby pins and rattles on it - THE BABY'S ROOM!!

i cracked up...we weren't even married yet and already she had something picked out for the baby's room! it was a hoot.

those kiddos...

Cindyisms said...

Ok, I've got that there's a contest and something about the #400th blog...Which number is this one?!?!

I gotta say that two of my most creative birthday presents were tickets and a coconut.

The tickets were to see Scott Hamilton skate. It was my 11th birthday, and although we were incredibly tight on funds, my Mom completely surprised me. The seats, btw, were in the second to the last row of the nosebleed section, behind a pillar, but I remain convinced that Scott waved, winked and wished me a happy Bday!

The coconut was a-la-Lisa and accompanied by my first (& only!) ever surprise party. I had once mentioned that I always wanted to break open a coconut and she remembered : ) We were living in the dorms at the time, and this being pre-Sheila days, I knew she had to brave the crazzzy campus buses to get to HEB. Truthfully, though, I forget if we ever snacked out on the tropical fruit. It was an EZ Break one, but the fellas sure worked up a frenzy in trying to crack it open against the floor, walls, door frame, ceiling, hallway, each other's heads...

They should have a show or book, similar to Bill Cosby's, but entitled, Boys do the Weirdest Things.

No offense, Joe : )

Lisa said...

Lol, I'm glad the coconut was memorable for you- it sure was for me! While trying to break the coconut open, the boys may or may not have cracked the floor of my dorm room. Good thing WE were the RAs or we'd be in trouble. And you're so right, guys do the weirdest things!

...There was the mango incident as well...deprived of fresh and nutritious food there in the dorms, we wanted to be sure everyone tried a piece of this weird fruit, and the guys were too preoccupied quoting lines like "Look at THESE mangos!!" which somehow turned into "A dingo ate my baby."

Yay for discovering the contest, Cindy, I hope you win!!

Jenny said...

Ohhhh...Starbucks gift cards! I don't think there could be a better birthday gift!

Happy Belated Birthday!

BTW...One of the most creative gifts I've received was from a guy I taught with in Kindergarten. We drew names among our team and I was the lucky one. He happens to be an awesome gift giver! He gave me a little Christmas tree covered in gingerbread ornaments (my favorite) along with 6 gift cards to Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, Yankee Candle, etc. It was awesome!

Rebecca said...

New post, new post, _ _ _ _ post, _ _ _ _ post!!!!!

I'm ready - I just might win!!!

Cindyisms said...

Heya Ashlee - I just discovered that if you register your Starbucks cards, you get all sorts of "perks!" like free fresh brewed refills and you can protect the balance on each card:


And yes, I've already switched to decaf...

Ashlee Liddell said...

Thanks Cindy!