Monday, March 31, 2008


"Well, it is official...I have joined the world of blogging. Kind of by accident (we won't go in to details) but, alas, I am here. I am not sure what you should or can expect from this new development, but feel free to leave any comments, constructive or otherwise!"
This was my very first blog post.
It was purely accidental on my part, as I was trying to comment on Amber's blog and somehow ended up creating my own (seriously, I knew NOTHING about this blogging world!).
I must say it sure has been one exciting, hilarious, wonderful, growing, challenging accident!
Thanks to those of you who have been reading since day one.
Thanks to those of you who have been reading at all really, because you guys challenge me to be honest with what I share on this blog.
Whether it is silly, serious, or sports related, I know that someone might be reading and that constantly challenges me to dig deep and know what I am saying is really what I mean.
And a special thank you to each of you who has ever commented on my blog. (Yes, even you Joe!) You have no idea how much your comments have served as sources of encouragement, accountability, and blessing in my life.
Some of you I have never met. Some of you I haven't seen in years. Some of you I see several times a week.
But today, I am celebrating each and every one of you!
Thanks for being a part of this ride to 400...
Who is in for the ride to 500???


Rebecca said...

I did it!!!

Cindyisms said...


Ashlee Liddell said...


Rebecca said...

Me and Cindy won!!!

Hi Cindy!!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Wow, talk about instant!

Becca, I think you should have to meet me to pick up your gift has been too long since I have seen you!!!

Cindyisms said...

Woo-hoo! Congrats 400th post! I'm sharing my winnings with Lisa!

Rebecca said...

I was just leaving a comment on the last one that you should post already- I've been refreshing all morning!!

And for the recorf

Joe and Laura LOST!!!!

Lisa said...


Rebecca said...

I will certainly do that!! Want to meet for coffee (not that I drink it - but they've got a strawberry cold drink thing that I like!!)

Ashlee Liddell said...

Cindy, I don't know if you read the "official rules" or not, but you are also a winner!!! Because you commented with a timestamp the same as becca's you guys tied!

So, just drop me an email and tell me where you would like a gift card to, and where I can mail it...


Cindyisms said...

YAY! I have no idea what we won, but go Becca! Do the BLOGGER dance, woo woo! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to read your post Ashlee...

Rebecca said...

We won gift cards Cindy!!

I don't know exactly where to - I guess Ashlee get's to decided.

Quite frankly I'm just glad I beat Laura (when she reads that I will get called a brat several times I know :P ) and Joe!!!

Laura said...


Laura said...

I CAN'T believe it.. I was apply for a job for Joe and DANG.

Rebecca said...

I can actually get some work done now - the pressure is off!!

Cindyisms said...

Ashlee, that's the best 400th post I ever read - and you can trust that I'm not buttering you up 'cuz Becca and I already won! Anywho, I think it's so neat what you've created through your Ramblings. In addition to converting some of your friends into comment junkies, you have gathered a truly positive community with lotsa fun and many Good Messages. Thanks, Ashlee & God Bless!!!

PS - Lisa gets the prize for the best 300th post for her ode to the commode!

Joe said...

...what can i I'm gonna win the next one i guess...does it have to be another 400? 500 is really more of a milestone anyway right? oh well...i'm glad to have spurred on some competition...and ashlee...i'll see ya soon

Joe said...

at least Terri didn't beat me!

Joe said... fact...i take pride in the fact that i still beat terri to the comments...yay!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Joe, as long as you feel better about losing....then I guess you can say you beat terri to the comments....

I was about to call you because it took you so long to comment. I thought something might be wrong......


Joe said...

400 makes me wonder how many comments i have made in the last few days...hmm...

Rebecca said...

I think that should be the next contest - the first to 1000 relevant comments :)

Laura said...

Ok. I wrote an ode to losing.. you can go look and get a good laugh.. if you want.

HeidiZizz said...

congrats to becca and cindy...where is terri? maybe she got fired! yikes! i had a great feelig that i would NOT win this contest after the competitive monsters came out....just ask joe--i'm not super competitive. on the other hand, joe and his brothers may be the three most competitive people on the planet. let's just leave it at this...don't start a game of monopoly with them!

HeidiZizz said...

ps....miss a....what do i get for winning the quiz post? and did you ever give all of the answers...i'll go check

Tami said...

I'm sorry, but you people have WAY too much time on your hands!!

Laura said...

I will say .. I really really thought you would post about opening day and I had until AT least the end of the game! !

THAT'S what I get for thinkin'!

terriH said...

dang it. here i am working oh so very hard at MY JOB and thus i missed out. i have been checking throughout the morning though to see if a new post had been put up. but i got a little busy and couldn't get to it right away and alas, wah lah, i see it up and with 25 comments already!! sheesh.

congratulations miss beccadink! you go girl!! at least joe didn't win...

see joe, i said you were going down...maybe it wasn't me that took you down...BUT you still went DOWN!!


Rebecca said...

So what - you get to 400 and you stop completely?

What's that about!!!

Laura said...

I want to know where My opening day blog is!!!