Monday, August 18, 2008

Not so Sunday finds....

Oh dear.

Here it is, early Monday morning, and all weekend long I could not bring myself to gather together a Sunday finds post. Not because I didn't have lots I wanted to share about this, or because I thought this article was hilarious (mostly because I am quoted but didn't say one of the things they mentioned!) or even to fill you in on this new blog find.

I simply couldn't bring myself to do it because, believe it or not, I have been leading the team at our church in charge of creating/updating this.

So, I am in rebellion against all things web, technology-related, or that involve the internet. It makes my head hurt. I don't understand enough to be on this team, but somehow I am the staff person leading it.

Hopefully now that this is live, I will be less overwhelmed and can get back to the fun of blogging!

P.S. if you read the comments on the last post, you will find someone seeking to match Phelps eight for eight feat here on this little blog.....


raj said...

yes! I made the Sunday/Monday finds! that's a two-fer.