Tuesday, September 30, 2008

There are some things....

...that I really love about my job.

And there are some things that make my head want to explode. Not because I hate them, or even because they drive me crazy, but mostly because they challenge me so much that my brain can't seem to take it all in.

It is in those times, those moments, that I am so keenly aware of my limitations and God's lack of limitations.

And the truth of His words becomes a tad bit more clear... "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

What is the best thing, or hardest thing, about your job? Anyone else ever had the "headgonnaexplodeifhesaysonemorethingaboutthefuturewhenicantevenrememberwhatiateforbreakfast" experience?