Thursday, September 25, 2008

This is not a political blog...

However, I am giving my opinion about something (I know, you are all shocked to hear me so willingly giving my opinion!) in politics.

As far as I know, John McCain AND Barack Obama are both United States Senators. This is a position they were eleceted to, a job they currently have been hired for, which brings responsibility for our entire nation.

I understand that traditionally those running for president get to throw aside all real commitments during campaign season, and this has been the norm - and even acceptable.

But what I do not understand is how someone can say that the job they presently hold is NOT as important as the job they hope to secure.

I understand, trust me I really do understand, that John McCain's position to hold off the debate is full of his own political strategy. I just don't understand why Barack wouldn't see it the same way?

It isn't about multi-tasking, because quite clearly holding a debate about your "future" job has nothing to do with actually accomplishing something with your current job.

That is all. I am done. Don't expect too many political posts from me, because quite honestly I like the escape this little blog provides me. I just simply had to get that off my mind...