Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I know this is a color assault on your eyes, but I can't seem to figure out how to change the awful pink (seriously, ya'll have been looking at that WAY too long!!!) to white or black, or something to coordinate with the fabulous new background.


Send some HTML formatting tips my way....



Amy L said...

You may have already tried this, but just in case...

Go to "Customize"
Click on the "Layout" tab
Select "Fonts & Colors"
There's one that says "Page Background Color" - click on a white box
Save changes

Hope that helps!

Ashlee Liddell said...

The thing is that page background color is already a white box... wierd, huh? I can't figure it out.

Thanks for trying to help! I think I have 'special' blog!

Lisa said... are so fancy! I've never done a fancy background like that. There's probably an easier way, but you can change your background color in the html by changing locating something like this in your code:

#main {
padding-top: 22px;
padding-$endSide: 8px;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-$startSide: 8px;
background: #FB997E
$startSide top;

Change the "background" to the desired hex code such as #FB997E (look color hex codes on Since you've used templates, you might have a URL listed after "background" currently which you'll have to delete and put only the hex code.

Depending on what parts of your page are already formatted by your template, you may have to repeat this procedure for "#post" or ".post" in your code as well as "#sidebar." You can do them one by one to experiment and preview before saving any changes.

terriH said...

yes, do what lisa says. she smart cookie.

'member when ya changed the background that one time to pink (when you first added the pink stuff)?? 'member ya had this problem then, too and i had ya go in and change the background color like lisa said? see, lisa smart cookie.

you're so cute, ashlee. i miss you.

Laurien said...

Decorating is not my thing. I shall remain silent on such matters...

Laura said...

It looks like both gave you the 'way' to go about it. Let me konw if you need more instructions. ; )

Ashlee Liddell said...

Don't give up on me.... Lisa doesn't know this yet, but she is going to fix it for me tomorrow. :)

Then, in a couple weeks, when Christmas is over, I will have her change it again. WOO HOO!!!

Lisa said...

Haha...THAT's my surprise isn't it...

Laura said...

hmm. still pretty in yeah. so it is not the 'customizetab'
Did you try going into the html as Lisa said?

Lisa said...

To add to my instructions above:

Execute steps after reading

Lisa said...


Unknown said...

still no luck????