Thursday, January 29, 2009

Let's take a poll...

So, from here on out I am deeming Friday, "Let's take a poll" Friday.

That means all five of my loyal blog readers must weigh in, and participate in the poll (or polls) of the week... I can hear you screaming excitedly on the other end of cyberspace! I know you know have a reason to make it through the week!

Today's polls are as follows:

Are you a fan of Facebook?
a) I am on facebook everyday and have more friends than Obama
b) I am on facebook, but only read the updates I get in my email.
c) I will never join facebook, myspace is my heart beat.
d) I refuse to join any social network-ing cyberspace club....


I will be watching the Superbowl....
a) in my own home, and mostly for the commercials
b) with friends, and lots of fab grub
c) with friends, but I have no clue who is playing (or even what sport it is!)
d) if you pay me money...and only if there is LOTS of it!

I might even give a special prize to the first person to play in our first ever edition of Friday's poll dance!


Anonymous said...

I'll take your poll Ashley!

1). C (only because the other choices really don't pertain to me).

2). B (I hate that the Cowboys aren't in it).

There you go!

Jenn Jones said...

A- it's actually a bit ridiculous but we've begun using it for work also. Now I can do it at work and not get in trouble!

B-I suppose I will cheer for arizona since the giants and broncos are out. Always with friends and always eating chicken wings. Mmmmmm.....chicken wings

Lisa said...

B for facebook. I like the idea of seeing what's going on overall with old friends, but I don't want to read a status update every time they sneeze.

B for the Superbowl-- I'm watchin with Greg and his fam AND I'm making my anti-poltergeist cookies which successfully warded off the crayzay-ghosts from work earlier this month. I've watched the Superbowl every year for five years now. ( I know all about it.

HeidiZizz said...

I like Poll Friday. Good idea.

Facebook? B. I actually enjoy it more than I thought, with friends from college and a lot of my family on's easy to keep up with people.

Superbowl? B. Listen, I know that you put option C in there for me to have an answer, but HA! I know who is playing and what ball they use! Yeah!

Ashlee Liddell said...

This is fun! Josh, if I had bet on who would have been first to reply, I would have lost that bet for sure.

Thanks for joining the fun everyone, this might be a regular event...

Laura said...

B & B.
I don't understand all the facebook stuff like gifts and clubs and junk. And I liked myspace in that you can decorate your page. But I seem to be more chatty on facebook than myspace.
THE GAME. I can't wait. WOOT for the underdog! GO CARDINALS!

Amy L said...

I'll do it!

1) Somewhere between A&B. I have it set up to receive very few update-type e-mails, so I usually check it once a day or so.

2) A, most likely.

dancing queen said...

1) I'm somewhere between A & B.

2) friends & food - always, no matter who is playing any kind of sport.