Monday, November 26, 2007

The best Thanksgiving ever...

On Thanksgiving morning I awoke to a fuzzy noise. Being that I was sleeping in a different place, I ignored the noise for awhile and it stopped.

Then, it started again. This time I was slightly more awake and realized that the noise was in fact my own cell phone ringing. Upon realizing this, I leaped from my bed because I knew who would be calling me first thing in the morning.

It was my best friend and college roommate, Heidi. She was calling to tell me her second child had chosen November 22, 2007 as his day of arrival into the world. A Thanksgiving Day blessing named Kavin Xander Zizz. He weighed in at 7 lbs 7.5 ozs and was about 21 inches long.

Would you pray for my dear friend, her husband Joe, and their two precious boys Jaret and Kavin as they adjust to life as a family of four?
And check out these precious boys....


Laura said...

Oh MY!! I love newborns. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
Thanks for coming back to el blogo!!

Anonymous said...

I must say that the pic of Jaret and Kavin may be the cutest one ever! I was so happy when I heard and saw the pics! Yeah for Heid!