Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Today, we started our Christmas unit at school. This is probably my favorite time of year for my job at the school. You can see God grabbing a hold of their hearts so clearly around this time of year.

Each year I do things slightly differently, and this year I decided to start the unit with studying the Legend of the Candy Cane.

In second grade, while we were talking about the red on the candy cane symbolizing the blood Jesus shed for our sins, some of the kids were telling what they knew about Jesus' death.
There is absolutely nothing that is more amazing than hearing kids talking about what they know to be true about God. Nothing.

After one little boy finished telling how they put the crown of thorns on Jesus head, the Holy Spirit prompted me to say that Jesus "let" them put the crown on his head.

"Why?" rang from several mouths, and quizzical looks abounded.

And I had a moment. One of those where your eyes well up and you get a small glimpse into the big picture, and you are reminded that He CHOSE YOU to be in this room, teaching His children.

So, today, stop and revel in the remarkable truth that He let His life, His breath, His dignity, His title, and His blood be taken from Him because of His love for you.

He seeks you.

He is listening.

He is faithful.

He gave it all for you. You are worth it.

You really are.


terriH said...

Thank you for that reminder. Sometimes I forget that I am important to Him even when I don't do the right things or communicate with Him like I should.

How are YOU doing, friend?