Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Everything is bigger in Texas...

So, in Kindergarten yesterday we had the most hilarious conversation. I will definitely have to put this in my book, if I ever write one!

(Background to the following dialogue: We were talking about how the red in the candy cane symbolizes the blood Jesus shed for our sins. One student was telling me all she knew about Jesus dying on the Cross, and she was so proud to share I just kept letting her going on and on. Dialogue starts after about five minutes of previous re-telling....)

Bryanna: And then they put that big crown on His head and He bleeded. And then He was just a little bit dead.
Me: Oh, a little bit dead.
B: Yes, then He was really dead when they put Him on the cross.
Me: Wow Bryanna, you did a really great job.
B: Yes, and all that happened in heaven.
Me: No sweetheart, it didn't happen in heaven. It happened here.
B: (with the most puzzled look ever on her face) It happened here?
Me: Yes sweetie, it happened here.
B: In Texas????

Me: Uh (trying so hard not to laugh, SO hard) No, it happened on earth. (Do I dare try to explain Jerusalem and hundreds of years ago to a five year old?????)
B: Oh, yeah because Jesus died in 1950.

Me: (Totally ignoring everything that just transpired) So, the red in the candy cane reminds us that Jesus died for our sins. Who knows what a sin is?

Oh yeah, I sure did ask the same group of five year olds if they knew what a sin was!

So, next time you stop to wonder what the hang up is for all those crazy Texans about their state, just remember the entire New Testament happened right here on our very own soil!

I love kids!