Monday, December 03, 2007


I can remember thinking a hero could do anything when I was little. Demolish mountains, kill scary monsters, make me feel safe, take care of people who were mean to me, you name it a hero could do it.

My Daddy was, and is, my hero.

There was not one thing I would have believed he could not have done.

As I have grown older, I have come to realize this is true of real heroes. Even the things that they themselves never would have thought they would be able to accomplish, they do. Usually not of their own strength, talents, or abilities, but instead through their reliance on Him, they are able to overcome trials that others believed impossible.

Over the years other people have been added to my hero list.

And over the past several months, a new hero has been added to my list.

I wish you all could know her, because your faith would be strengthened just by having coffee with her.

Pray for her today, this week, and anytime you visit her blog.


Lisa said...


That's really sweet....thank you for your words. I'm glad that girl's coffee night is good for you- it's very strengthening for me, and fun, and silly-- all the good things!