Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I used to dream of this job....

I got an email this week informing me that the job I used to dream of having was available, and they were in fact searching for resumes from alum for the next several weeks.

I used to think I would be pleased as punch to be the Residence Hall supervisor at my alma mater. I was sure it was just what I was gifted for, a ministry where you lived with those you were ministering to, mentoring, and building relationship with....

I now know this line of thinking was largely motivated by my own comfort level in this environment and in this role.

What job did you used to dream of having?


carahinojosa said...

I wanted to work in one of those little yellow Kodak booths. Remember those?!? Seriously, when I was a little girl that's what I wanted to do!

From middle school on I wanted to go to medical school and become a doctor. But certain choices/decisions I made when I was older kept me from doing that...and I'm so glad about that now.

Rebecca said...

I used to want to be many things - which may be the reason I turned into a jack of all trades - master of none. However, what is stuck in my head at this time is a house wife and mom who volunteers at her children's schools (which is crazy for someone who didn't used to want to have children!!!!)- who paints yard art on the side.

For now I'll just have to be content with the yard art on the side. The rest needs to wait for a husband. Believe it or not I'm okay with waiting!

Amber said...

For a really long time, I wanted to go to Harvard and be a lawyer. After that I wanted to be an astrophysicist. Sometimes part of me still wishes for those identities... but that's the selfish part of me.

Laura said...

I am with Cara. I wanted to be a Doctor. And a rockstar.
And now... both kinda make me laugh.
Now that the kids are in school I am getting that push from 'fam' to go back to school and I think.. for what? what the ___ do I want to do?
Oh well.. I could always fall back on being a rockstar...
"superstar". -hand wave-

Ashlee Liddell said...

Thanks for sharing guys!!!!

I have loved reading your responses, and love this new insight into each of your lives....

Laura, maybe you don't know what the _____ you want to do because God is still preparing you for the next chapter of your life...or, perhaps you are smack dab in the middle of what He is calling you to do......

Laura said...

Perhaps. And just maybe I rest in that.. everyday. whether I am willing to admit it or not.