Wednesday, November 07, 2007

More than enough...

I have been trying to talk myself into this for awhile now.

I want to continue to push these feelings into a dark closet and keep going about my life.

I am quite happy in the wonderful land of denial.

Then the walls start caving in, and this happy land no longer seems so safe and cozy. God no longer is willing to let me go forward, where He has called me, if I am not willing to take the risk of trusting Him to deal with all my mess...


So, here goes...

One of the founding members of our church passed away recently. Her health had been failing her, as she knew every day of her life was borrowed time. You see, she was a triple transplant recipient (two lungs and a heart) over eight years ago.

About a month ago Greg told me said knew what it was like to take a risk, because everyday of her life was a risk.

She is the only person who has every sent me a hand written note (actually several) thanking me for my ministry to children at Creekside who had no biological children of her own.

She and her husband were the first people to invite me to join them for lunch after church, on my very first Sunday at Creekside.

She and her husband sold us the 15 acres of land that our church sits on.

I could go on forever.

At her memorial service, a Godly man said Marcia's children were the 115 who played Upward Soccer at our church...

Her children include the 55 people who have been baptized at Creekside...

They are the families who for the very first time walk through church doors together and encounter a Savior who invites them to a life they could only have dreamed of before....

Her spiritual legacy can not be defined...there are simply no ways to measure its depth and breadth.

Her joy and contentment have been haunting my current residence in denial.

Is God enough?

Is He enough if I never marry?

Is He enough if I never have children of my own?

Is He enough if I am completely unsuccessful at the next risk He calls me to take?

Is He more than enough for all I want or need?

He is.

The question is, do I believe?


Laura said...

"Your My Supply, My breath of life,
Still more awesome than I know.
You are my reward, worth living for, Still more awesome than I know. ALL OF YOU IS MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR ALL OF ME FOR EVERY THIRST AND EVERY NEED YOU Satisfy me... WITH YOU LOVE and All I have in YOU is MORE THAN ENOUGH!"