Sunday, January 27, 2008


I got two voicemails today.

Okay, I got two voicemails that really made me feel appreciated.

One was from my dear friend Heidi. She was just calling to tell me that she appreciated me, and values our friendship. One of the things I have disliked the most about growing up is realizing that you can not always live near the ones you love. I miss Heidi more than I miss anyone else who is far away from me. But I thank God that He graced me with her, her friendship, her love, and something as small as a priceless email from her today.

The second voicemail was from my boss at church. He was just calling to tell me that I did a great job today, and that he was glad I was on his team. This is not the first time something like this has happened. Greg is great at valuing people, and taking the time to remind them of their worth and the importance of their effort.

And all of the sudden my stressful day melted away.

So, what makes you feel appreciated?

Who speaks appreciation and gratitude into your life?

Take some time to appreciate those you love, those you serve with, and those maybe you have been taking for granted....