Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The legacy of "together"

Life is hard.

Sometimes it sucks.

Sometimes it is depressing.

Sometimes it is heart-breaking.

Sometimes it is full of fun and celebration.

Sometimes it is surprising.

Sometimes it is just miserable.

I read this quote today on a blog;
"It may not be easier. It may not be quieter. It may not be simpler. It may not be calmer. But it’s always better when we’re together. That’s the growing feeling each time we’re with our community group."
And this is what I know to be true; I want to leave a legacy of "togetherness" for those who know me, the children of our group, and hopefully one day my own children.
I want to leave this legacy because it wasn't left for me. I am still figuring it out. I still fight the urge to "not air my dirty laundry" or say "that" or "impose on some one's time."
But I truly believe that this crazy journey we are on is not only better together, but broken when we are not. I don't think God ever intended for us to try it on our own.
The more I practice "together" the more selfishness God removes from my heart. The more joy I get from giving, sharing, and loving. And the more humility and reverence I have before my Maker.
Perhaps the greatest detriment Americans have done to the Gospel is apply it through our individualistic-corporate ladder-build my own wealth-I have rights I will not be denied, glasses.
Sometimes being together is the only answer that does any good.
Has being "together" changed you?


Amber said...

The commune lives!

I swear, one day it will happen...perhaps not the same house, but definitely the same neighborhood.

Lisa said...

Lol...I'm starting to understand the idea of the commune, which you all defined one fateful Bible study night when I wasn't there! Took me a year to catch up what I missed that night!

I think our group is special because we have that togetherness and have been through difficult times on the part of each of our group members. Honestly I haven't really seen that togetherness elsewhere in other small groups, bible studies, or church groups of any kind that I've been to.

Ashlee Liddell said...

So, now that Lisa is on board with the commune, should we be looking for houses on sale in your neighborhood amber?