Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Easter countdown is on....

For all of you out there who don't have your own Easter countdowns going already, let me help you out. Easter is very early this year, and thus the need for a countdown....less than 50 days from now Easter will be upon us.
49 days.
2,000 eggs.
1 Giant inflatable bunny.
18 large inflatable eggs.
Hundreds upon hundred of pieces of candy.
Hundreds of stickers and easter tattoos.
Numerous "bad" dreams about the first easter egg hunt of my children's ministry career, and I think we are now discovering the need for our countdown...
Last year I threw a fit (okay, this might be a bit on the dramatic side) when our senior minister suggested we have an easter egg hunt in between our morning services on Easter.
When one service ends at 10:30, and the next begins at 11:00 and you have pretty systematic means for checking children in and out of your children's ministry, that simply does not seem like enough time for everyone to participate. The trek to the back half of our property for the hunt and marching back to the front of the property (where our building is located) seemed impossible in our time limitations.
My boss, the most patient leader alive, let me have my way.
This year, I believe the impossible to no longer be impossible. Challenging, yes. Difficult, yes. Overwhelming, yes, yes, and YES!
So, now you know what I will be doing for Easter, what will you be doing?


carahinojosa said...

Can anybody please tell me why the heck Easter is in March this year?!?

HeidiZizz said...

i'll be eating colored deviled eggs and thinking of you, friend. happy easter.

HeidiZizz said...

ps...don't put your eggs in the trunk....remember steel magnolias?

Laura said...

WELL!! Miss Hinojosa it is in March so that Morgan Faye can have her Birthday ON Easter! It is her exciting point.. Jonathan is Christmas.. Jacob was the day before thanksgiving.. and she 'gets' her special 'holiday' birthday. .. Just for her!

Amber said...

I'll be at this crazy church where they're having an Easter egg hunt IN BETWEEN the services! Have you ever heard of such a thing?!? They must be nuts; although, not as nuts as those people who dropped eggs from a helicopter...

I know I can only say these things because I'll probably be helping to stuff all of those eggs...

Ashlee Liddell said...

Cara, great to hear from is your family? I miss your kids!

HZ, some of my favorite memories happened over Easter weekend in Plainville..... I just might have to make some ham and pickle roll ups to go with the colored deviled eggs this year! And, yes, thanks for the tip from Stell Magnolias...I love that movie!!!!

amber....i think your comment (hilarious as it was) probably earned you multiple jobs on easter! :)

yikes.....48 days and counting!