Monday, February 04, 2008

A freebie for you!

If you know me, or if you have read this blog for any amount of time, you know I love Blue Bell icecream. Love it!
My all time favorite flavor is Homemade Vanilla, but a very close second is Chocolate Covered Cherry. It is simply amazing. And, the worst part is that it is seasonal. It is always out around Valentine's Day and seems to stay around for about six weeks or so. It has this tiny chocolate hearts, filled with real cherry, throughout the whole half gallon. It is the best!
However, I just found out that it may not be seasonal for long! They are going to make it into an icecream bar, that appears to be available year round...
So, what is the freebie for you?
If you go to and register, you will receive a coupon for a free half gallon of Blue Bell icecream on your birthday.
Go. Register. And think of me with every bite.
And, you're welcome.


Laura said...

mmmm. thanks of the heads up!!