Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Get the Kleenex...

I believe God etches certain experiences, certain conversations, certain moments in time into the very core of our existence.

I am sure there are big fancy theological words for this. I am sure if I wanted to, I could use them and make a bold, intelligent, theological claim and back it up with some fancy pants scholars work.

But I don't want to, so you get my version.

I believe that these experiences, conversations, or moments in time are different for everyone, but God uses them to mold and shape us into who He created us to be. Bill Hybels suggests that these moments create a passion deep within us, that stirs up a holy discontent. (But I said I am staying away from all that jazz...)

I think I witnessed one of these moments in one of my students lives this week. It has happened to me before, and it is almost as if God puts everything in slow motion so that I pay even more attention to what is happening.

It went something like this:

"Ms. Liddell, what does it mean that 'love never fails'?"

(The great silent pause from me, as I wonder what she is really asking me)

Before I can answer she continues, "Because sometimes it does. Love does fail. It does because my stepdad left us. So, it isn't really true that 'love NEVER fails' cuz sometimes it does, right?"

In moments like this I feel so inadequate. I know that the only hope this precious third grader has is Jesus, and for some reason He is asking me to reflect His love into her heart and life. What an incredibly humbling call.

I took some time to explain that adults make mistakes and even when we are trying to love the way God calls us to love, we do fail. I told her that when we have a relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit will help to know when we have fallen short, and how to fix it. But the most amazing thing is that the Love we were reading about, and the Love we can have in our own hearts, is a perfect Love. And as much as adults do fail, and make mistakes, and forget to love, Jesus never does.
He is patient.
He is kind.
He never boasts, is not proud, rude, self-seeking, or easily angered.
He keeps no record of our wrongs.
He does not like it when bad things happen (especially the bad things that have happened in her life) but He gets really excited about the truth.
He is always going to protect you, hope, and endure throughout your entire life.

And that I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that He never fails us.

It was a moment I know God etched deeply into her soul. I know because they were not my own words, they were His.

I believe there was this battle raging in her mind and soul. Is what I am reading in God's Word true? How can it be true, because my stepdad (not to mention her own father who had long ago jumped ship) failed at loving my mom (and me)? And if this isn't true, then maybe only some things in the Bible are true.....

And I praise God for the people who went before me, and prepared the way for me to encounter my Jesus. I praise God for those who helped point me towards Him, and remind me of who He was, and is, calling me to be...

And I pray that those moments etched deeply into your heart and soul would flood your memory, thoughts, and prayers today.

May you call them ever so clearly, and seek His leading if you don't understand how they fit into your life's purpose.

His Love never fails.


Not once.

Not for you, not because of you, and not in spite of you.

He loves you.
Always has, always will.