Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why blog?

There have been times where I wondered what else I could be doing with the hour or so I spend updating my blog throughout the week. I obviously haven't thought about it long enough to dissuade me from continuing to blog.

For me, I think blogging provides several personal benefits that far outweigh the commitment of my time.

From your comments, to being able to keep up with friends in other places, to helping me to process through things in my own life, I feel as though blogging has been a wonderful outlet for me.

However, there is a very historic thing happening in the blogging world. Some bloggers have joined together to actually use their blogs to change the world.

Quite literally, change the world.

It is going to be a facsinating journey, so follow along with them (and me) by checking out the blogs I have listed in a special category during this amazing, historic, life-changing trip.