Thursday, January 03, 2008

Bloggers choice....

It is possible that I may be out getting my hair cut as you read this post, but I need a change.
I realized I am never making it through a day with my down, it always ends up going in a ponytail or bun, and sometimes starts off that way.
It is driving me bonkers.

So, you get to vote. The cut that has the most votes when I go to my appointment (which hasn't been scheduled yet....) wins. My hair is in your as many times as you see fit!

Choice one....the bob, trendy and ponytails here....

Choice Two.... slightly longer, but still sassy....


Lisa said...

This is biased. Katie Holmes is scary!! The whole Tomkat, scientology, silent birth, Suri, Suri having a movie agent at 2 y/o THING is scary. If not for Katie, I'd go with number one, but understand I can't cast an official vote for her.

terriH said...

wow, this is so exciting. i think that both do's would look fab on you, however, i am going to vote on #1 (although, Lisa, i'm totally with you on the whole weird Katie Holmes stuff).

here's why i choose #1.

-NOT because of Katie Holmes cuz let's face it...she has some issues

-because the #1 option is somewhat out of your comfort's much different than you've ever had

-option #2 is fabulous, however, that seems more like you (which isn't a bad thing cuz you'd look way cute with that cut)

-BUT option #1, i believe, would take you out of your hair's a little more bold and daring and you could totally do more bold and daring. and you'd look way hot :)

i have thus spoken.

Rebecca said...

I have to go with one also, and also agree that Katie is way weird - but despite that you should still get it.

But remember - just cause they cut your hair like that doesn't mean it will look like it. I cut my hair to be like a particular style - my hair just didn't get the memo - and now I can do just about ANY style BUT the one I cut it to be like!!

Amber said...

I have to vote against the rest, sorry, and not just because I like Mandy Moore and don't like Katie Holmes. (Which is true, and I'm also with Lisa that I couldn't cast a vote for her even if I liked it better.) I really do like #2 better. But I won't say anything behind your back (or to your face) :) no matter which one you choose because I'm sure they would both be cute on you!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Is anyone afraid that #1 would make my face look rounder? Because I am.... ugh.

But I am taking all votes into consideration....

Lisa said...

Actually I think that no matter which one you pick, it will result in a cross between the two because your hair seems a little thicker than that in pic #1, and has a little wave in it like pic #2. I think it'll be great! Will you have a new 'do at Bible study??

Ashlee Liddell said...

lisa....perhaps i will, perhaps i won't....hmmmmm.....

and you are becca pointed out sometimes your own hair does do the way the pic, it very well may end up looking like a cross between the two....or I could ignore all of you and do something crazy!

Laura said...

Ok. My 3 cents. If you do number one. Wedge it so it is shorter in the back. And longer in the front. That is suppose to give you a 'longer' look in the face.
(just for us rounder chicks)
The other it is nice. But it is difficult to keep the rounder thing from happening.

Laura said...

OK. I looked closer at Ms Mandy... You could do that "bang layer" at the chin. That could give the same effect as the wedge of the bob.. .

I think you will like Mandy's do better.. even tho Katie's is cuter.

HeidiZizz said...

i'm with terri....get rid of that hair box (who wants a hair box anyway....ew)! plus, if you do #1 and then do those killer curls you have, it would be very cute.

one caution about short do's, have to DO ponytail days unfortunately...

HeidiZizz said...

lopo and jz are voting for number two...although joe would appreciate an option number three...the brittany spears/gi jane look....

Ashlee Liddell said...

Thanks all! Wow! I did get a hair cut, but neither of the stylist was very apprehensive about how both cuts would end up on me.

So, not very dramatic, but a step towards something short and sassy for summer....because I am going to go short again!

At least that is what my plan is...

HeidiZizz said...

we need to see pics, please...c'mon!

terriH said...

definitely some pics...:) we want to see the new ashlee!!

Laura said...

Come on .. Miss Thang.. Pictures please!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I have so much pressure....

You are going to be sadly the lack of drama in the cut....

and I have already messed up the do for today....loving pulling my hair up! But, I did wear it down until 2, which is record breaking for me......
