Thursday, January 10, 2008

I am waiting....

I know some of you still haven't visited this site.

Go there now.

I am not joking.

I think I am going to refuse to post anything new until I see some of my faithful readers respond to Zack's question today.

I have had so many conversations about this very topic with so many of YOU. Share your stories with him, as he works on a truly fascinating project.

If you are still reading my blog, you are not following directions well!

Go here. Comment.
Then come back.
I won't have anything as thought-provoking, or world changing to say, but I might buy you a cup of coffee!



Amber said...

I commented. It's long. Are you happy?!?


Ashlee Liddell said...

you win...but let's count your free coffee last night as my gift to you...sound good? just kidding... but really, thanks for joining the dialogue!

Laura said...

I commented on Thom's

Ashlee Liddell said...

Yay!!! Laura wins a prize too!!!

Laura said...

I have to REALLY think about Zac's before I comment.. I am afraid I will triple Amber's lengthy and honest comment.
BUT I am SOOOO glad we are all not just a bunch of Crazy Christians.. if I dare to use THAT term.
It is refreshing YET exhausting knowing that other people experience the same stuff. Exhausting b/c it makes me say more and more.. Yo God.. SEE SEE.. .Please HELP!
Help us to be effective and CHANGE this Freaky Christian Culture.
Show us how to do what you REALLY intended us to do! Gosh. I am stepping off the box now.