Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Thoughts about 2008...

I am not a big New Year's Resolution person.

But I do love a good theme.... themed parties, Christmas cards, gifts, you name it....

I thought I had a theme for this year. But for reasons I don't know I can communicate well through this blog, it didn't stick (I know, only eight days in to January....)

But last week our small group started our next project....we are going to read through the Bible, together, this year.

While reading last year, I was really impacted by a phrase that kept re-appearing in Matthew, chapter 3 (Message translation)...

1-2 While Jesus was living in the Galilean hills, John, called "the Baptizer," was preaching in the desert country of Judea. His message was simple and austere, like his desert surroundings: "Change your life. God's kingdom is here."
And it was born.
My theme for 2008.
"Change your life. God's kingdom is here."
It is time to face my "change issues" head on. It is what I have been called to do. And, oh by the way, it's not about me.
It's time to let go of some hurt, some baggage, and some strongholds I have been scared to face. As God gently reminded me, it's HIS time I am hijacking by dragging my heels.
So, do you have a theme for this year? Or any goals/resolutions?


Anonymous said...

I must say you always make me think! I love reading your blog and having something new to ponder for a few days...thanks ashlee!

Ashlee Liddell said...

You are so welcome! I love blogging because it really helps me to cement what is rolling around in my heart, and what God is challenging me with....
Thanks for your kind and encouraging words....