Sunday, January 13, 2008


Do you ever have a day where the past seems to sneak up on you, and attempt to hi-jack the present?

Today was that day for me.

Old scars showed how fresh the healing is, and how quickly they can burst open again.

I have been hurt in churches by people who should have protected me. I have been beaten down giving my all to a ministry "someone" was sure God called me to. I have been unappreciated, overworked, and deeply wounded serving in ministry.

That is my past.

God has brought me to such a healing place, one of true freedom from this past.

But it reared it's ugly head today.

One of my team leaders (a volunteer who coordinates a team of eight to ten volunteers) told me she needed to resign her position. She had too much stress in her life, and her doctor told her she needed to end all commitments outside of her family.

Immediately, an overwhelming sense of responsibility washed over me.

I wasn't in tune with my volunteer. I didn't pay close enough attention to her life to see her struggle. I allowed her to be hurt in ministry, just like I swore I never would.

But the past is not my burden.

My burden is caring for her now, today, from this point on. My burden is to make sure and point her to the One who can heal her wounds. My burden is love.

Pray for her today, would you please?


HeidiZizz said...

love her....and please remember that you are not responsible for the actions of other is not your fault that she is and love her now, but know that it's not your fault. OK?

Ashlee Liddell said...

trying....really trying.

thanks you.