Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Welcome 2008!

Boy, I know I have a lot of catching up to do from my absence over the holidays. I don't even know where to begin, so here are some highlights....

1) My brother was home for almost a week. It was wonderful! (He and vanessa also gave me the most wonderful gift...more on that later!)

2) A Christmas in our own home. At first I was really apprensive about this because we almost ALWAYS spend Christmas with my grandparents. But it was nice to see that I could carry on the traditions, and add our own flare as desired.

3) My first attempt on the following was wonderfully successful; prime rib, pecan tarts, cheese grits, and my grandmother's coffee cake without any help!

4) Lunch with my mother, all her sisters, and each of their daughters. It was actually history in the making.....and I served a "mini" menu! It was fun!

5) One of my cousins got married. It was the most extravagant wedding I have ever been to, and I know the price tag was near 250,000!!!!! Unreal. The following pics are of the elephant we had to dance in front of through the hotel parking lot (NO LIE), and the family Christmas photo....

So, how about you? How were the holidays for you?


HeidiZizz said...

holy toledo....your hair is long...and i knew i was missing something at my wedding--can't believe i forgot the elephant!

Ashlee Liddell said...

if you could have seen this wedding...... you are glad you were missing the elephant!

yeah, my hair is out of control... wanted to donate it to locks of love or something but i have layers (big no no) and possibly to high of a percentage of grey....ugh. so, in protest, I continue to let it grow because I don't know what else to do....


HeidiZizz said...

i don't know...i think an elephant might be a great addition to YOUR wedding someday...i'll work on that for you.

i have always loved your hair short and curly, though i know it drives you a little bonkers by the end of the day when you wear it like that....i like it long, too. is this the longest you've had it since i've known you?

are you coming for palm sunday? we should talk on the phone...are you still on break?

Ashlee Liddell said...

went back today, but i will try to call this atfternoon!

love ya...and yes, this probably is the longest I have had it since we've known each other....