Sunday, December 23, 2007

9 out of 10, not too shabby....

Today I saw someone wearing a Mike Huckabee t-shirt. Huckabee was playing a guitar. So was the person wearing the t-shirt, as he was a member of our praise team at church.

His name seems to be everywhere recently, and I decided to some research of my own. I have heard two things that got my curiosity peeked; 1) his clemency record 2) trouble with the courts over personal spending/gifts.....

I came across this article, which is not usually a source I would see as having a fair and balanced view, but was surprised at what I read.

I was particularly grateful for reading the section on clemency. I believe God takes our cries for redemption and freedom seriously. Mike Huckabee seems to believe that as well. This reports notes that he would personal read through each file requesting clemency. He would even take them to his residence to ensure enough time to carefully examine.

Sounds to me like someone who labored over the weight of his decisions.

In the article it also talks of a specific person who was released early (not pardoned) who went on to commit another violent rape.

But the most powerful sentence of the article, to me, was this; "The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette found that nearly one in 10 who received clemency from Governor Huckabee were later sentenced to prison."

Don't you think God would be pleased with 9 out of 10 when it comes to us? I don't know about you, but I don't know if I get anything right 9 out of 10 times...I am so broken, so messed up, and yet each mess up is followed with a chance for redemption, forgiveness, and mercies anew thanks to the blood my Savior shed.

Read this article. What would you do if you had the chance to actually give redemption in such a tangible way as Huckabee did?


Jessica said...

Ashlee! I haven't read the article yet, but wanted to thank you for posting on this...Mr. Huckabee has my eye too. Any good information on him is great. I'll read up. Jarrod and I went out to dinner tonight with a couple from Houston...made me think of you. love you friend.

Lindsay said...

i really agree with the clemency thing. i think they are making a large deal about the rape and all when it isn't a really large issue.

i'm not sure i'm a huge fan of huckabee overall, but i haven't done a ton of research, and the one thing i had noticed and thought about was the clemency thing.