Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Trails...

Okay, so I sat down and wrote a post earlier today.

I deleted it completely.


I don't have any funny jokes, thoughtful stories, or life changing pieces of advice... what's a girl to blog about?!?!

Spring training makes me a little sad this year, so I am not quite ready to talk about baseball. I am getting closer though, and I attribute all of that to Andy Pettitte's remarkable testimony to the power of Truth. I think I will come around when Berkman decides he is ready to be a champion.... until then, don't look for any baseball posts (cue cheering from Lisa!).

So, here is a top ten things I wish someone would do for me while I am away at our church staff retreat....

10. Stuff 2000 easter eggs (cmon, I have all the candy, toys, and eggs already...)
9. Think of a really amazing 30th birthday present for my super fabulous brother
8. Laundry...put away the clean stuff, wash the dirty...if you can figure out which is which!
7. Make a week's worth of meals for the Wilfong family.
6. Deposit large sum of money in my savings account (just let me know if you need any specific information to accomplish this task!)
5. Watch Survivor live, root for the fans, no the faves, no the fans, no the.... oh, I don't care! But I can't believe I am going to have to watch it on SATURDAY...ugh.
4. Did I mention the Easter eggs already?
3. Dump all the junk mail from my email before I return home.
2. Keep track of the Stros spring training (and log all funny quotes from Berkman)...
1. Wash my really needs it!

So, I will return this weekend, but might not have a chance to post until next week....

What are you doing this weekend? Anything exciting?


Rebecca said...

Where are the eggs at? Are they up at the church? If you'll drop them off at Joey's first I'll do what I can this weekend!! I love stuffing eggs, and Fridays are usually slow at work.

I hope you get this before you leave.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Oh how sad.....

I am actually going to throw an egg stuffing party, and I will definitely invite you friend!!!

Thanks so much for the offer!