Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I guess it's not...

In the beginning, I thought it was about coffee.

Okay, maybe I thought it was about good old fashioned girl time.

Or maybe I didn't have a clue.

But somewhere along the years we - the coffee gals - made it a habit. It became part of our week and our friendship. I never imagined that this habit could change my life as much as it has.

Today, as I think about coffee with my girls, I am overwhelmingly aware of its importance.

It is about life.

These friendships, these bonds, are essential for making it through this crazy thing called life.

Life, that sometimes throws you a curveball in the form of marital struggles, family members fighting for their life, family disagreements, financial instability or even just uncertainty about your future.

Life will happen. Don't do it alone.

I am convinced, absolutely-without a doubt-certain, you cannot experience an abundant life alone. Living life to its fullest, soaking it all in, experiencing its greatest joys, you name it- I am convinced it doesn't happen alone.


Lisa said...

The coffee group is awesome. :)

I'm confused. My fancy ol' blog reader says this post was made 9 hours ago, but it says February 20....yet I know you can change the date when you post a I wondered if this is a blog feed error or some trickery related to the 400 post game....