Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A happy Tuesday to you...

I am so proud to be known as His.

Sometimes the cyncial side of me wins, and it is not hard to see things negatively when it comes to the body of Christ. I think this has absolutely nothing to do with Christ, and everything to do with His broken beloveds.

But today, I am so full of awe at what His beloveds have done.

As my long time family friend lays virtually frozen in an ICU bed, awaiting the blessing of a heart transplant, I have seen the body of Christ do amazing things.

Tears (of joy) streamed down the faces of two very dear friends as they read an email from a total stranger. You see, their mother is the one in ICU, and someone took the time to write the most thoughtful, loving, compassionate email sharing not only prayers, but words of wisdom and experience as her own father is a heart transplant survivor.

Then, Cindy (author of the previously mentioned email) took the time to email some words of wisdom to our Bible study group to help us more clearly understand what the family is facing.

I am amazed at His people.

I am so grateful for Cindy.

And I am eternally thankful for each of you who has read about this and offered up prayers for this dear friend and her family. Friends who you may never meet on this side of heaven, have been strengthened, encouraged, and blessed by your selfless sacrifices of prayer...

My love to each of you...


Cindyisms said...

Sharing our faith brings us together as the family we are in Christ! And by such, I'm very grateful that one of my long time friends is graced with your fellowship!

Thank you for blessing me with your kind words there Ashlee, tho I'm just one of His messengers! Glory to The Message : )

God bless us, everyone!

Ashlee Liddell said...

You are most welcome, and your long time friend has been such an incredible blessing in my life....

Praying for your speedy recovery as well!