Monday, March 24, 2008

Countdown to 400...

Okay, so I am holding my first ever "official" blog contest.

That is right folks, you might actually "get" something for reading (and commenting) on this little ol blog o mine.

I am pretty close to posting my 400th post.

If you really have tons of time on your hands you can count through all my posts and figure out what number we are on, but that doesn't really get you a win...

The person who comments FIRST on my 400th post will win.

Win what one might wonder...

Well, I will purchase the winner a gift card to their place of choice (as long as I can do it online or where I live....) amount to be determined by creativity of the comment.

Just my way to say thanks for reading this little blog I keep, and to see if we can pull some of the blog "lurkers" in to the comment section!

Happy Commenting!


terriH said...

That's a lot of pressure...but oh, I'm so up for it!

By the way, I'm putting something in the mail for ya today...since tomorrow is yer birthday and all...!!

And don't be surprised if I call and sing to you.

Oh, another little thingy. In church this weekend...we sang "My Redeemer Lives" and I thought about you throughout the song and just smiled. Do you remember the year after you left MCC and me and Heidi called you during dorm devos and held the phone up while the girls were singing that song?? That was fun. That memory makes me smile as well.

Loving you much all the way in Kansas...


Ashlee Liddell said...

Call away singing away!!!!

Of course I remember you and Heidi calling during dorm devos...that memory makes me smile too, because of such wonderful friends.

Loving you mucho too

Lisa said...

Your 400th post, while I'm on my 300th? And you started like 2 years after me?? What a good blogger you are! I'm jealous, and I have to resist the temptation to try to catch up! Haha... I'll just focus on winning your competition instead. :)

HeidiZizz said...

good memories terri...about this gift card thing....since i live in the middle of nowhere (just ask amber--she'll tell you), i'm not sure what kind of card i'd win...maybe taco express! :) i know you're all's the best mexican food EVER! haha...

Ashlee Liddell said...

Lisa, you will NEVER catch me! Now that I know it is a contest, I will work extra hard to keep ahead!!!! :)

Heidi, you might have to go to Hays to use your gift card....sorry.....


Unknown said...

Ashlee, I love reading your blog. It is great to be able to try and keep up with old classmates we never see anymore, thanks to the internet! You will have to check my blog out!


Ashlee Liddell said...

It happened! We have a brand new commentor, an old MCC friend of mine, Andrea. Thanks for stopping by, AND for commenting!

I love the blogging world, and will hop right over to your blog!