Saturday, March 22, 2008


Greg, the senior pastor at my church, said something that has really been wrestling inside me for awhile.

He said that research proves that there is a large group of people who are just waiting to be invited to church. (Don't ask the specifics or where this came from because I know he said that information but you know who wasn't listening....)

This makes me very uncomfortable.

Very. Uncomfortable.

You see, that would mean that there are people who know the answers they seek are waiting for them, they simply don't believe they are invited (or welcome, or whatever the reason may be).

That tears me up...

If there is one thing that the God shows me more and more every day is how intensely He pursues His children.

Perhaps this is the characteristic of Christ that needs immediate attention in my own life.

Am I pursuing others?

Do I race after their hearts?


HeidiZizz said...

Happy Easter, friend. i pray that God blesses you with many guests at church, happy children hunting eggs in between services (madness!), much fun with family, and many colored deviled eggs (you did them, right?). love you!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Love you friend...

The egg hunt went well, and wasn't nearly as much madness as I had planned....

We, gasp, ate out for lunch and didn't cook a single thing....

sad, I know.

HeidiZizz said...

gasp....i bet it was nice....we actually just had our immediate fam for Easter...we ate was super...and not ham! ps....i ate an egg for you...not blue, though!

Anonymous said...

I know this is a month late but I just wanted to say thanks for supporting us in Uganda. It was great to know we had friends out there praying and there for us. I just wanted to say thanks. H

Ashlee Liddell said...

You are very welcome wittaker woman... it is what I love about the Body of Christ.