Saturday, March 08, 2008

Flowers, flowers, everywhere...

Thursday was a special day.

It was the day I left for a quick vacation attached to an Upward conference for church. It also happened to be the day when a serious storm decided to start up right when we were scheduled to begin our roadtrip, fun huh?

But the vacation is not what made Thursday so special.

When I got home from work on Thursday there was a box of flowers sitting on my doorstep. Instantly my heart fluttered, and I tried to prepare myself for the reality that they might be for someone else in my house. When I got to the door, they were in fact addressed to me! My dear soulmate, college roomie, and precious sister in Christ sent me flowers. From hundreds of miles away, she knew that I had not allowed my heart to grieve a loss I had suffered, and so she sent me some beautiful fllowers and a note I will cherish for many years, to remind me she loved me.

Then, as soon as I hit the road for our weekend trip and conference, I got a phone call from another dear friend. He said he and his wife wanted to drop some flowers off at my house as a thanks for helping them out over the past couple weeks.

Both arrangements have intense emotional connections and significance to me.

And both of them reminded me of just how desperately my Maker chases after my heart...

How marvelous it is to be loved by the King!