Friday, March 28, 2008

Now that I know you are competitive...

My little mind just kept twirling about yesterdays crazy amount of comments....

And I realized that we set a record on this little blog. The most comments for one post reached an all time high of 20!

So, since you all love a good contest....

Let's see if we can break that record today.


Joe said... first again!

Rebecca said...

Dang it - I was reading the other comments and missed this!!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

It is sooooo hard to know where to go, isn't it Becca???

I can't tell you how many times I am writing a comment and before I finish someone else has already commented.....


terriH said...

joe, joe, joe...the victory will be mine...

becca...same thing happened to me!

does this blog have a bell on it?? i need it to ring everytime you post, ashlee...that would make things so much easier...and lovely sounding as well!

i'm glad you're having fun! this is fun! (i should be working...whoopsie)

Joe said...

since the Queen says that I am off in my numbers...we need to deal with the counting game...she says I'm off...although I have tried not to give away the number on here...but according to my figures...I have tracked back to September of '05. There is a shortcut for counting but I'm not giving that away either...all I'm saying is this...the only way that she could be closer to the 400 mark than I am counting is if she has DELETED some blogs and is still counting them...on the other hand...I think that the QUEEN may just be trying to throw me off so that I don't get lax in my commenting...I think perhaps she is enjoying this contest much more than she originally anticipated...

Laura said...

WOW. ANOTHER post.. Maybe she DOES want it to be this weekend!! Blog on chica I AM READY.

Laura said...

You are new to these ways Joe. You don't know the ways you are only a padawan learner.

Joe said...

scratch that...september of '04 is what i meant

Ashlee Liddell said...


Joe said...

...and I will refer to Laura as Yoda from now on...

Joe said... cannot count your own comments in the record making...that's unfair

Joe said...


Ashlee Liddell said...

Ahhhh... so what happens if two commenters comment at the exact same time.....

I might have to allow two winners if that were to happen.

Or, the win goes to the one the ocmputer publishes first.....


Rebecca said...

Yoda she is Joe! :)

Rebecca said...

This is cracking me up!!!
Everyone commenting at the same time!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Joe, I am just trying to comment more than YOU...

But, since the record might be in jeopardy, we will subtract all of my comments.....


terriH said...

this is insane...i can't keep up!! i'm supposed to be working and all i want to do is read your blog and comments and then comment myself!

if i get fired, can i be the winner by firing default??

what am i going to do without a computer this weekend?????

Joe said...

ok forget's too early for math (it's always too early for math!)...i stand by my original sept '05 comment...not '04

Joe said...

hey terri...if you can't hang...just hang it up i guess!

terriH said...

pretty sure, the "20" comment mark will be passed in a matter of seconds now...

Joe said...

pretty sure were gonna beat the record on comments today ashlee

terriH said...

oh, no you don't, jose...

you just watch out...

Joe said...

yep...there it i win something for that?

terriH said...

joe, notice i told ashlee we would pass the "20" mark before you said we would. yeah, who's ahead now??????

Rebecca said...

Wow - this is like a forrest fire!!

terriH said...

i need a drink.

terriH said...

i meant coffee, of course.

Joe said...

yes but I actually left the 21st comment...making me the record what's up now?

Laura said...

OH yeah! I seen blogs with over 200 comments.. i wonder how far we can go today.

Rebecca said...

I just think Ashlee needs another post so we can start the contest on comment leaving over

terriH said...

oh crap, i'm so getting fired.

Joe said...

it'll give you more time to blog terri...(always look at the bright side!)

Rebecca said...

Y'all are missing the new post!!!