Friday, March 28, 2008

Since you are distracted anyway...

Okay, so I know all my blogging friends are getting to know each other quite well through the comment insanity that has taken place on this little blog, let's make it more official.

What if everyone shared where they are commenting from... home, work, phones, etc.

And what they would/should be doing if they weren't commenting...

I'll go first:

I am sitting on my bed, with laptop in lap, laughing hysterically at how fun this is!!! I should be running several errands before my lunch appointment, but dang it I can't finish getting ready because I am checking all of your comments!!!

And you???


Rebecca said...

I did it

Rebecca said...

i was first

I beat JOE!!!!!

Rebecca said...

I'm sitting at work also laughing and cursing my computer for not being faster, and my fingers for making so many typing mistakes!!

Laura said...


Ashlee Liddell said...

You did it Becca....sorry it isn't 400, but three comments before joe is a real record too....

Laura said...

I work at Church on Friday so I am on the church computer folding bulletins reading and laughing.HAA

Rebecca said...

:) Yeah!!!!

I will WIN!!!

And this is the most fun I've had in a LONG time.

Thanks Ashlee!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I would be in so much trouble if I was working in a real office, because I have been laughing out loud every time I read the comments....

Fold away laura, fold away!

Rebecca said...

I'm surprised noone else has commented!!!

I feel like we are hiding in a closet waiting to be found out on this new post

Joe said...

ok more is on like donkey kong

Laura said...

yeah.. ia m usually finished by now.. but I am SOO not !

I is a little distracted

Rebecca said...

Ok - I've never heard anyone other than my crazy pastor use that saying.

That is too funny!!

Rebecca said...

And Ashlee you so need to take off the word verification thing - it's slowing me down!!


Joe said...

i am in my office...which is also in my home...and i am neglecting work and my wife and kids...all because of's all her fault...i have a calculator, notepad, my smart phone and this computer...all focused on WINNING!

Joe said...

by the way...becca must be new to this whole "competition" thing...i would have never informed anyone of the new post...ok maybe i would have if i was the first one to comment

Joe said...

thank you ashlee for getting rid of the word verification...this should help

Joe said...

so im thinking terri really did get fired!

Rebecca said...

I'm just an equal opportunist. ..

Nah. . I just wanted to rub it in that I was first. hehehe

I'm not at all competitive, can you tell?

And thank you Ashlee for taking on the verification thing!!

Laura said...

On like donkey kong is an "OLD" phrase, your to young, Becca.

Joe-if you were 'ready to win' you would have been first for practice sake... it took you over ten minutes and help to figure out Miss Ashy post a new one...

(index finger rubbing on other index finger) This will not do!

Laura said...

On like donkey kong is an "OLD" phrase, your to young, Becca.

Joe-if you were 'ready to win' you would have been first for practice sake... it took you over ten minutes and help to figure out Miss Ashy post a new one...

(index finger rubbing on other index finger) This will not do!

Laura said...

oooo double the fun!

terriH said...

we all know i'm at work and about to get fired. i must leave you all for now...we have a massive presentation today that i haven't finished yet. and i'm leaving at 1:00.

so toodles from me.

joe, you're still going down.

becca and go girls...beat joe.

ashlee...loving this!!!

Rebecca said...

I know I'm a baby :) Geez- do you have to rub it in?

Joe said...

listen yoda...i'm not usually what I'd like to call a "Multi-tasker" and yet for the sake of this competition...i'm somehow pulling it off...please refer to my poker comment from yesterday...

Lisa said...

Ah yes, I'm at work administering a test and I have no chance of winning..... 33 comments before me on some of these???