Friday, March 28, 2008

To remain FAIR and balanced...

While I can not do anything about how fast each of you type, or how fast your computers are, I have turned off the word verification so no one is slowed down by outside sources within my control.

Playing field, leveled.

Game on.

And an addition to the contest rules, if two or three individuals comment and receive the same time stamp, I will give each of them an equal prize. If there are more than three with the same time stamp, I will simply award the first three the prize.

Comment on dear friends....


Laura said...


Laura said...


Laura said...

Who your MOMMA!!!

Rebecca said...

Dang it Laura

Joe said...

ok...this is just not cool

Rebecca said...

Holy COW we are some crazy people

Laura said...

And now I read it.. COOL BEANS!

Joe said...

you're killin me ashlee

Rebecca said...


so is it a new post every 20 comments?

Rebecca said...


so is it a new post every 20 comments?

Joe said...

oh are we supposed to be actually reading the blogs?

Laura said...

Come on baby.. keep'em comin'

Ashlee Liddell said...


Laura said...

You never know what she might say about My prize...

Laura said...

You never know what she might say about My prize...

Rebecca said...

So basically it's just the three of us with no life and the compulsion to press the refresh button every two seconds?

Ashlee Liddell said...

Don't try to figure out my logic, there is just no way.....I haven't even figured it out!

Laura is definitely going to do Terri justice keeping Joe in line....

Anyone else posting on their blog today???

Joe said...

yes...i am going to win..because i refresh every half a second!

Laura said...

You Are SOOO right Becca...

Rebecca said...

Your prize huh - you have to leave to pick up your kids . . . meaning precious time away from your computer when I'll still be here. . . muahahaha (evil laugh)

Laura said...

I am a blog Queen.. of course I have blogged AND kept up with JOE.

Joe said...

ashlee...perhaps your next blog should be on wise stewardship of TIME

Rebecca said...

I had a double long blog yesterday so I'm set- and today Laura even posted a pic - I'm impressed!

Rebecca said...

It's about that time for a new post- Joe are you ready?

Laura said...


Ashlee Liddell said...

Take a break.

get a drink.

And hunker down for the long haul.

No tricks, I am out for a little while, but feel free to comment along anyway. Just thought if any of you have been in need of using the facilities you might appreciate a break.

Rebecca said...

Phew - my computer was getting tired!!

Joe said...

ashlee says take a break...becca says another blog's head is going to explode with all this tension!

Laura said...

What I am afraid of is that you will do 400 when I am going to get the kids!! So wait until 315 OK?!!?!?

Laura said...

Reduce your coffee intake.

Rebecca said...

The joys of no one to pick up - too bad Laura!!!

Though the pie will be in my face when she does it this evening when I will be without a computer. :)

Laura said...

oh becca I am soo soo sorry

Joe said...

i was thinking about taking heidi out tonight...obviously that's out

Rebecca said...

Laura - watch it now. . .

Joe - go ahead and take her out. you deserve a night on the town. :)

Laura said...

Oh yes.. Becca no pc/ Joe taking the beauty out... IT IS ALL MINE!!
HAAAAA (in a evil evil laugh/with pinky)

Laura said...

Oh yes.. Becca no pc/ Joe taking the beauty out... IT IS ALL MINE!!
HAAAAA (in a evil evil laugh/with pinky)

Rebecca said...

What am I saying - the McClendon girls can watch themselves. . . right!!

Laura said...

They will tell on you!!!

Rebecca said...

Yeah you're right . . . dang it. . . I'll come up with something!

Laura said...

IF they had 2 you can have them play games on one and you blog sit on the other... AND they do have to go to bed sometime.. right?!?!?

Laura said...

OH ASH.. your only counting the post on "THIS" blog right?? Not your old one?

Rebecca said...

They DO have two computers. . . .

muahahahha!!! I'm BAAAAAACK!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I have an old blog?

Joe said...

it is possible for me to comment while i am away from the computer...just remember that girls

Laura said...

I was just pulling Joe's chain.

OH THAT sounds romantic.. JOE!

Joe said...

hey listen...with 2 kids under 3...if you can get away for 30 minutes to go to sonic and get a lemonberry slush and a chili-cheese hot dog...that's checkin up on my phone will be no big deal...dont you say anything to heidi either!

Lisa said...

We're remaining fair and balanced a long time here... where's the next post?

Joe said...

that is a great question

Rebecca said...

Hehehe - to be unattached!

Rebecca said...

Hehehe - to be unattached!

Joe said...

i think that ashlee is working on it right now...

Laura said...

yeah she is PRETTY DARN QUIET. Or she left and is enjoying her day out!

Lisa said...

Yes, I think she's on her "errands before lunch" left a small digital nation behind on your blog ash.....what are we to do with no queen.

terriH said...

anyone miss me??

Lisa said...

Ok everyone- you can take a break. I'll watch the blog and alert you if there are any posts.

Rebecca said...

Of course we missed you!!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

seriously people. I had to make some calls, do my hair, and I am for REAL leaving my house now...

I am having lunch with an old friend....

then I have to run several errands (I was going to run before lunch but you people sucked me in to this fun!!!!) and then I will be cooking stuffed meatballs for dinner tonight.

I may or may not post again today.

I will not post from 7 to 10 this evening, I will be at home group.

So, JOE....please spend some quality time with HoJo....

and don't trust lisa....

and yes, I missed you terri!

Joe said...

maybe i outta give out gift cards to everyone that does not post on the 400th blog

Lisa said...

Stuffed meatballs sounds great. Maybe you can post a picture. Throw a pic up of the old friend too.

Rebecca said...

Just wanted to be the 50th comment!!

Rebecca said...

I meant 60th

Laura said...

I see 60... that makes me 61

Rebecca said...

Actually you were 62!!

Laura said...

i noticed.. brat!

terriH said...

it's good to be missed. sorry i can't write more...still working oh so hard on WORK...ugh.

if only i were independently wealthy and could blog all day...

Rebecca said...

Hahahah -

And Terri - I'm SO not wealthy - I just have a cush job!! I love it and who I work for - there's just not a lot to do which leaves me time for all this. . .

Laura said...

There is no wealthy peoples here.. why do you think we want to win the prize???

Well.. I like to win.. but the prize is just bonus...

Rebecca said...

I was just talking to Kristy Rundle about me getting a prize for Homemade Gourmet - and how I'm so reward motivated. It wouldn't matter if it were a gold star - I'd want it!!
I'm such a kindergartener!!!

Laura said...

oh yeah .. agreed

Joe said...

i will give out gold stars for 2nd-8th posts on the 400th blog...but none for the 1st...because that will be me

Rebecca said...

Said the guy who had to be told there was another post~~~


Laura said...

Keep on dreamin'
I will be happy to pat your back while you cry... 'WAAh I am such a "L"oser..'
because Laura Aka. YODA is the WINNER!

terriH said...

oh no, i didn't mean to imply that i thought you all were wealthy...i was just dreaming about me being wealthy. i'm totally with you on the non wealthy have to rely on a blog contest to win something!

does that make sense????

terriH said...

okay, i also didn't mean to imply you're poor either.

i'll stop talking now.

Rebecca said...

All this commenting and posting is keeping me from catching up with my tv shows from last night . .what is this world coming to!!

Rebecca said...

We gotcha!!!

We still love ya -

And there is another contest going on with free homemade gourmet on the line. . .

Laura said...

Total sense.. I am just jazzed up. Keeping on my toes.. being funny.. Smile Terri!
It all good in the hood!

Joe said...

are you guys gonna post a comment on the new blog or what?

Laura said...

There is NO new post JOE.

Laura said...

AND you missed the 100th blog prize on another blog..

Joe said...

i made you look though...haha

terriH said...

allrighty, my fellow blogger competitor people...i'm outie for the weekend. traveling to the big bad city of garden city where the cows live (and stink but are still cute).

have a good weekend, don't have too much fun blogging without me. if you all are REALLY lucky, i might just post something new on my blog next week. that would be rather special.

toodles for now.

oh, and, game still on!
(i just had to throw that little competitive jab in there...mostly for joe...not the girls...girls rock!)

Laura said...

brat.. that how you get cut.

Joe said...

if ashlee's blog were a network...i think that my competitive nature would be very good for her ratings

Laura said...

Ashlee will freak for sure when she sees 85 comments... WOOHOO.Miss Popular, HEY be my friend.

Rebecca said...

This is quite a lot of commenting!

Rebecca said...

Let's see if we can't get it to 100 before she gets back. . .anyone up for it?

Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Laura said...

Ya'll are crazy.

Joe said...


Laura said...

And for you Yank... You's guys are crazy.

Joe said...


Joe said...


Laura said...

HA.. I made 100.. .. : P

Joe said...

yeah...she'll flip now...wish i could see her laugh

Laura said...

Me too.. She'll be glowing at home group.. the groupies will have to tell us how it went.

Rebecca said...

It was my idea and you's guys couldn't even let me be 100?

Rebecca said...

Oh well - I snooze I loose

Laura said...

HEY Joe was the comment hog... You can see he wasted space.

Joe said...

haha...laura took the #100 spot to her

Laura said...

How'd ja like gettin' thrown under THAT bus?

Laura said...

tru dat'

Rebecca said...

Children, children - do I need to separate you two?!?!

Laura said...

It's Friday.. Can't help my self

Joe said...

I think that ashlee should title the next blog exactly like this one so that only the comment number gives it away as a new blog...that would be funny

Rebecca said...

Hey look she did. . .

ha ha just kidding

Joe said...'s definitely friday

Lisa said...

Joe, that's been a fear of mine. Thanks for making it a likely reality.


Lisa said...

I'm a Friday groupie. I'll report back about the glow.

Laura said...

OH yeah.. she would do something like that! Almost time to GO home!! YEAH!!! Now the REAL work begins.

Laura said...

Yes. please.. and sing "All hail the Queen" for me too!! Please!

Lisa said...

I would if I knew that song! I'll get a group member to sing a song BY Queen (?) Does that count?

Lisa said...

Or if you know of another song w/ queen in the title I'm open to suggestions :)

Rebecca said...

Laura's leaving!!!

Muahahaha - bring on the next few posts!!!

Laura said...

what ever...
Becca.. I know where YOU live! Don't make me get ghetto with you!

Rebecca said...


Rebecca said...

While the "Princess" is away - the childrent will play!!!

Lisa said...

Is Laura the princess or did Ashlee get demoted?

Rebecca said...

Nope - Ash is the Queen!!! Laura is the self proclaimed Princess

Lisa said...

Ok good. I wouldn't want to have to tell Ashlee that she was demoted while she was away. She's probably spying on us whilst cooking meatballs.

Rebecca said...

Probably - and a Queen song for her would be perfect!!

Laura said...

My sister is ACTUALLY the princess. But as far as blogging.. ehem.. I will let Ashlee have the crown.. a Queen song would be great.. especially the Champion Song. .that would be fun..

AND BECCA.. I got your number !

Laura said...

My sister is ACTUALLY the princess. But as far as blogging.. ehem.. I will let Ashlee have the crown.. a Queen song would be great.. especially the Champion Song. .that would be fun..

AND BECCA.. I got your number !

Laura said...

AND I would not think Ashlee could not comment on 133 comments.. I don't think it is possible.. OR she is STILL reading them all and has not hit bottom yet!!

Lisa said...

I think it would be like Ashlee to withhold her comment to see where our comment-conversation goes... like an experiment in a new kind of community. Are you out there Ashlee???

Laura said...

Well, when you put it like that. You just may be right.

Rebecca said...


Rebecca said...


Rebecca said...


Joe said...

at this point...she's waiting for 150 before she comments

Rebecca said...


Rebecca said...

40 - dang it

Rebecca said...

Joe - you messed up my groove!!!

Joe said...

haha...i got the 140 mark

Joe said...

i was hoping for the 150 though

Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...


Joe said...

there...i got it!

Rebecca said...

Dang it people - I can't do this again!!!

I just started an episode of bones!!!

Laura said...


Rebecca said...

Seriously Joe -

Your killing me smalls!!!!

Joe said... take 160...haha

Joe said...

and i'll take 200

Rebecca said...


Rebecca said...


Rebecca said...


Rebecca said...


Laura said...

With this old pc i may be a lOT sluggish not good.. not good at all!

Laura said...

Crazy. Super Freaks. COME ON ASHLEE.. NEW BLOG!

Rebecca said...

Again I repeat the


Lisa said...

"Dang it people - I can't do this again!!!

I just started an episode of bones!!!"

Oh, man, funniest comment yet. Maybe I'm just goin stir crazy being in this test for 5 hours. TGIF.

I like bones.

Laura said...

I just want to gloat.. .refresh on the "MAIN" page.


Rebecca said...

Laura is a BRAT!!!!

Cindyisms said...

Wow, that's a whole lotta comments.

I'm hooked now, too!