Thursday, March 27, 2008

One thing for sure...

... I will be doing more contests in the next 400ish posts than I did in the first so-close-to-400-I-can-taste-it posts...

I have had so much fun with all of the comments, phone calls, and other hilarity (I might have made this one up!) that has ensued since I announced this contest.

I have the coolest blog readers around!!!

But which one of you will be the coolest WINNER?!?!?


Joe said...

this is not the one...but i am the first...yay!

terriH said...

oh, game is SOOOO on! goin' DOWN!!!

Joe said...

terri...i think i'm going to camp out in front of the computer for the next week...just because i can...hahahahaha

HeidiZizz said...

shouldn't you all be working?!

Joe said...

so as it turns out i can comment from the mobility of my smart phone...guess i dont have to camp out after all terri!

terriH said...

working shmerking. let them fire me if they must...i will overcome...JOE!! you just wait and see...

this game ain't over until the starbucks lady sings!!

you can camp, you can phone but cannot stop "the Terri".

"the Terri" has spoken.

Ashlee Liddell said... are ADDICTED!!!!

We need to get you in a blog recovery group.

Everyone who needs a good read should head over to Joe's blog...he has a really thought-provoking post today.

Ashlee Liddell said...

"the Terri" is possibly just as competitive as Joe....

we shall see who wins....

Laura said...

I am ready.. Blog on Ms Ashy!

Lisa said...

"Holy crap" is not an expression I can use because I always get side tracked wondering about how the word holy got associated with the...

So to borrow from a Jadynism, "Oh GRAVY!!" 9 comments! I'm out of my league.

Ashlee Liddell said...

A text I received from Joe this afternoon....

"Now it is starting to get good...the sharks are circling the smell of blood in the water..."

I never could have imagined my blog readers were sooo competitive!!!

terriH said...

i'm not competitive. i have no idea what you are talking about...

(down,'re going down).

what? see? no competitive chick here. nope.


Joe said...

they say in poker...its not important that you win any hand but the last one...everything else is just fluff...

Ashlee Liddell said...

I think it would be HILARIOUS if someone who has never commented before wins this little contest!

Poker smoker, I think Terri might come up to Lakeview and kick your butt if you beat her!

Laura said...

Down with Stealth Readers.. only the faith are aloud to win!

Laura said...


Joe said...

i can taste the win already

HeidiZizz said...

i agree with stealth readers shall win....who is this joe guy anyway?

Joe said...

its heidi's fault im playing in the first place

Laura said...

MMM.. I can taste the coffee...