Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Trust - assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something (Webster's dictionary)
I have some trust issues.
I came by them pretty honestly, and can say that God has been patiently dealing with me when these issues arise.
But today was a special reminder of just what He is trying to teach me.
The Body of Christ is weakened when we do not work tirelessly to earn the trust of those around us, ALL those around us.
For over three years I have worked with someone who has done everything in his power to earn my trust. He has consistently, constantly proved his character to me.
I still have issues, but I can say - with confidence - that God is making some major progress in this area of my life.


HeidiZizz said...

how can i be obnoxious about winning the prize when you post something like that?

i am glad that this is an area that God is working on and I am glad that the trust with the mentioned individual is increasing. it is so freeing to trust...difficult at first, but definitely freeing...

terriH said...

trust is HARD. very HARD. good for you on working on it!

and i'm with you, heidi...seriously, how can any of us be obnoxious with such a post? ;)

Joe said...

ive counted 4 times now...i am determined now to win this competition...and just to throw a curveball in there...when i do win...the gift card will be used for jaret & kavin and no one just remember that when you're posting #400...those little puppy dog eyes of jaret's...happy blogging!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I can assure you girls that I will make post 400 easy to comment obnoxiously...will that work?

And Joe, I got a phone call about you...from another commenting friend, saying that you are not the only one who has counted....

oh, and she thinks having both members of a married couple playing might be a little bit uneven.....

IT IS ON..... blog world fights are fun!!!!!

Joe said...

you know it would be a little more fun if i heard about who this competitor is who would dare to challenge the rules of "The Queen." I mean come on...sounds like somebody's pretty scared of the ZIZZ...we'll just have to see how this plays out...