Tuesday, March 11, 2008

See ya soon baboon...

I have this thing.

Let's call it a tradition.

I don't remember how or when it started, but somewhere amidst the past five years I came up with a signature goodbye for Alaina and Jadyn.

I always say, "See you later alligator," followed by, "Afterwhile crocidile."

Don't bother explaining to me that I did not create these goodbyes, I do in fact realize that. However, Alaina and Jadyn do not. It is what "Ashlee" says, and how I always say goodbye.

I love hearing choruses of "afterwhile crocidile" mixed with "'while alligator" or "later crocidile" as Jadyn tries to get them in the right order...

Today, I broke out the big guns.

"See ya soon baboon!"

It wasn't as successful, but these kind of deeply profound and meaningful traditions take time to set in. Don't you worry. By the time Jared decides to talk, see you soon baboon will have an equal footing with the alligators and crocidiles!

So, does anyone else have some animals adioses (yes, adioses) they wish to pass on to me??? If it is cool enough you could make it into the history books!!!


Cindyisms said...

Weeeell, it's not as rhyme-ish as the classical reptilian verses or as sassy as your baboon creation, but my sis and I used to say,
"Bye-bye, firefly!"

Which, of course, is interchangeable with: Butterfly, dragonfly, fruit fly, horsefly...

: )

aziner said...

for some time Raj and I have been saying, "adios flamingo." I think it started as a morphed form of "adios amigo." At any rate the children should be introduced to it at some point.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Cindy, I love this version!!!! This might just be the winner for the lucky round four of animal goodbyes....thanks for sharing!

Aziner, I loved morphed phrases, but think that you and Raj should be the ones to introduce them to the wonders of "adios flamingo"... I probably couldn't do it justice anyway!!! :) Glad to see you, are you ever going to blog again?!?!

aziner said...

Thanks Ashlee. I intend to blog; the trouble is I start writing all these posts in my head and they never seem to escape from there. But hopefully soon . . .

word verification:
jswgdxf - Jesus would get da extra fries

If Jesus would do it, who am I to argue? ;)