Thursday, March 13, 2008

High strung

Self awareness is a beautiful, yet dangerous thing.

Beautiful because it can unlock a world of secrets and solutions previously hidden to you when you were ignorant to your real, honest, true self.

Dangerous for the very same reasons. No one likes to discover that their natural way for solving or handling a problem is hurting those around them, and/or possibly their own self.

So recently I was reminded of where I fall on the high strung meter. You know, the official meter that ranges from laid back to high strung (we have all seen or known someone who epitomizes the extreme end of the high strung meter...and don't be leaving any comments about why I am that extreme for you.... :))

Okay, so I really was going somewhere with this...

At church I work on a staff of three. Two guys and me. One of these guys is the most laid back guy I have ever known.


And I was reminded of why it is so important for me to not say too much, or make decisions as I am sliding closer to the extreme end of the high strung meter.

It is not my natural location.

It is not where I am operating with the full range and utilization of the gifts God has given me.

And it is so tempted to do. So refreshing (at least in the moment) to let everyone know just how the world is ending, starting with the death of the one who has failed to live up to my standard or expectation.

So, the question is this.... one a meter of 0 to 10, where do you naturally fall on the high strung scale? (0, most laid back ever 10, that person who shall remain nameless, who can't handle any change whatsoever....)

And even more fun, what (or who) can push you to the extreme end of a 10?

C' know you want to get it off your chest.....share with the rest of us!


Lisa said...

You know I'm pretty high strung. People just BEING laid back in any way the relates to me and my plans makes me nervous.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Oh Lisa, your comment just makes me smile... really big!