Friday, April 18, 2008

I wish...

... I had a boss who understood my weaknesses better than I do. A boss who knew how to make my strengths shine, and one who celebrates who God made me to be. A boss who wanted my job description to be filled with things I had a heart for leading.

Oh wait, I do!

Some days I take my boss for granted. Some days I forget not all leaders have his giftedness, and not everyone leads with love and consistency.

But most days I remember how blessed I am to serve with him, follow his leadership, and learn more about God's freedom to be who He created me to be.

This afternoon he called me to tell me about a change to his schedule on Sunday. Not because it greatly impacted me, or because he was asking me to do something differently, just because he knew I thrived when I was aware of changes ahead of time.

And then, he tells me how excited he is for me to come on full-time in a couple of weeks. The kicker was this comment, "I am not just excited about you coming on full-time because it is the right time for our church, but because I know you are the right person for the job, our church, and this team."

That is all.

Right. I am blessed.

And today I wanted to remind myself just how God has continually redeemed past hurts, failures, and broken trust through Greg's willing and genuine pursuit of Godly leadership.

So, tell me about the best boss you have ever had....

Or, if you change the name...the worst!!!! ;)


Cindyisms said...

I really like this blog, Ashlee, and felt a wave of peacefulness come over me as I read thru it - thanks for sharing, girl! And God Bless this transition in your life : )

Mhmm, my next best boss would have to be Tracy, my first hall coordinator when I worked in the dorms w/fabuLISA. She was always a really great listener and consistently integrated the strengths she recognized in you (even if you didn't see it yourself!) to get you involved. Tracy kept you accountable for your responsibilities, but would also be your loudest cheerleader - which is why she was one of the first I went to share the news with when I started dating my college sweetie. But one thing I'll always be particularly grateful for is that she also stood by me when a scary incident occurred one night during finals week; which was especially comforting considering the almost-all-male staff took a much more chauvanistic, "oh well, these things happen" approach to it. Lisa prolly remembers this time, because she was a huge blessing and help also : )

raj said...

I could dote on several bosses, but I'm not really sure if I could think of a bad work situation I've ever had . . .

Ashlee Liddell said...

hilarious...well, not the reality just the sarcasm!