Thursday, April 03, 2008

Meet Joe, and have a bowl of soup for dinner!

Well, even though Terri didn't pick this topic, I thought all of you who participated in the blog madness the last week or so should have to meet Joe.

He flew into Houston on Tuesday to buy a car he won in an ebay bidding war. So, once he finished up at the dealership, he embarked on the scenic route to our house for some dinner.

It was a great evening of conversation, but did make me even a bit more homesick for some Ha Ha time. Joe happens to be married to my best friend, Heidi, who bares no responsibility for any blog comments you might have taken personally!!!
So, meet Joe, and his new Texas suburban....

And, if anyone is looking for a great, easy, homemade potato cheese soup recipe, this is what we had for dinner...

Potato Cheese Soup

1lb. favorite sausage link (chopped as thinly as possibly, and I use turkey sausage to cut calories)

4-5 lbs. russet potatoes, peeled roughly (leave some skins on for flavor) and diced (I leave them in about one inch cubes. I buy a five pound bag and leave a few taters in the bag)

2 medium onions chopped

4-5 cloves garlic chopped

24 ounces deluxe american cheese (wierd, I know! but this is the secret ingredient. I use the Kraft brand, watch for ounces not slices...made that mistake once!)

1 stick butter

1 tablespoon chopped, fresh rosemary (also one of the secrets I believe)

16 to 32 ounces of milk (no less than 2 %)

Salt and pepper to taste

In a 8 quart stock pan, melt butter on medium low heat with onions. After onions are translucent add garlic and rosemary for 2 minutes.

Add sausage, and cook another 2-3 minutes. Add potatoes and cover potatoes with water, bring heat up to high and bring potatoes to a boil.

After potatoes become tender (not mushy, easily broken with a fork) reduce heat to low and add cheese a little bit at a time until all melted. Add milk, salt, and pepper and cover for about 15 minutes.

*This makes a large pot of soup. Great for entertaining or to take to someone. It reheats in microwave VERY well, with no oily separation of the cheese. If you like chunks of potato in your soup you can leave it chunky or you could smash up some of the chunks to make it a little thicker. I have never frozen it, but suppose it would hold up well. Every time I have made it I have been able to take a meal for four to someone else as well as serve it at home at least once.


HeidiZizz said...

that's my new suburban! now i won't be snowed in out here in the sticks again! and, my husband doesn't always have that super serious look on his face--he can smile. i'll try out the recipe...joe was raving about the soup. thanks for the cookies--yum yum! and, i think next time, i'll just come and we'll buy the car--we can handle it right?!

terriH said...

heidi, you will look so tiny in that massive machine! congrats on your new automobile purchase...i'm glad to know you won't be snowed in out there in the sticks again. that's not fun.

how's camp life treating you???

ashlee, i'm ready for another contest...

Ashlee Liddell said...

Well, I have done it twice now...once with Daddy and once by, sure we can handle it!!!

Glad Joe liked the soup, I felt so sorry about his headache, especially with all that driving ahead of him. Sorry I missed the call earlier much going on!

And of course, oatmeal scotchies were in order. That was the least I could for missing my Ho Jo....

HeidiZizz said...

yeah, it's a beast, but i love it--NO MINIVAN FOR ME! :) camp life is great...we are loving it...although maybe don't ask me that in about two months! we're getting the hang of things and adjusting well, i think. tonight there were three deer in our front yard! when are you coming out to visit?

Rebecca said...

Joe - it's good to finally put a face to a name!!

And I can't wait to try the soup - it'll have to wait until things slow down for me though!