Wednesday, April 02, 2008

My first astros post of 2008...

I must be the good luck charm this season.

We are only three games into the season, but so far our offense has been virtually non-existent.

Until I watch my first game.

That is right, I didn't see a second of either game, and barely had time to read about them after the fact....

Tonight, we have already scored three runs, and we haven't even started the third inning yet....

So, there you have it folks....I am the good luck charm this season! (Not to mention the fact that Wandy is pitching an away game, and is currently the winning pitcher, which I don't think happened but twice all of last year...) ;)

Go Stros.....


Rebecca said...

Go stros!!! Go Ashlee!!!

Should we call and let them know that they need to give their good luck charm season seats for her and 30 of her closests blogging friends?

And all joking aside - the choir at Grand Parkway was asked to record a song that Berkman's brother wrote. They are going to add that to some other stuff and play it at the games!! There's even talk about us going to the game to sing it. How crazy is that!!!

Laura said...

Come on Come on..

Even though this will perhaps be a 'rebuilding' season.. i still have hope!

It gonna be good.. ..REAL! GOOD!

Amber said...

If, in fact, you are the good luck charm, I certainly hope you plan on watching a lot of baseball. Sadly, I did not see the end of the game last night, but if that's the kind of good luck you are then there is hope for this season!