Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I am not a huge fan of change. Well, I have no opposition to the monetary "change" but to transitions in my life, or that directly impact my life, I don't tend to seek these situations out.

I do happen to think God is making some progress with me, as I am more willing to embrace these large transitions, as opposed to making them even more dramatic and huge.

But I was struck with the irony that even this change in my approach and attitude, is also in fact a rather significant "change" in my life.

What?!?!?! Did God use some serious reverse psychology on me??? :)

I have also come to realize that perhaps my initial dislike of these transitions is due largely to the fact that my life is so blessed. I am extremely content with all that God has given me, and what He has called me to do.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I believe it is this very mindset that has been preventing me from experiencing the very best God has for me. The abundant life He died to make my reality.

And if He thought it was that valuable, then perhaps this change thing can be the best thing since sliced bread (which I guess was also a pretty big change back in the day....).


Cindyisms said...

That's a fascinating concept - Divine Reverse Psychology! : )

God bless you today & always, thru every season of change and transition, girl!

Rebecca said...

That's some pretty deep thinking for me to comprehend so early in the morning - but it is kind of funny about God using reverse psycology!!

terriH said...

I'm with you, girl. I don't like change much either...I like routine and order and when that gets messed up, I can get cranky.

But, like you said, change can bring about positives. Heck, my whole life completely changed when I got married! And it's awesome!

Laura said...

DRP.. a new catchy phrase. HMM.. I am going to have to think about your post before I can comment.. sorry.

Laura said...
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