Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Random three (quirks about me!)

1) I hate to be late. I really, really hate it. Even if it is five minutes, I have called to alert those affected by it, and everything else you can do, I really hate to be late. (Even if it is late for when I just "wanted" to be somewhere, it bothers me to no end....)

2) I envy the gifted multi-taskers of the world.

3) I just started online banking this year. 2008. And not in January....

So, why don't you share some randomness with the rest of us....


Laura said...

Hmmm. Let's see how difficult this is...

1. I hate Chuck Norris. Wow that was kinda freeing! I don't like Steven Siegal either. I would rather eat anchovies.

2. I love horror/suspense films. Especially with crazy endings like "what lies beneath"

3. OH. I would rather eat liver than watch kids 'animal' movies.. like 'gordy', 'homeward bound' and even...sorry.. 'benji'. I will say the ONLY one I have ever liked is Babe.
The oddities that is Laurabeadle.

HeidiZizz said...

ooh....this is fun!

1. i cannot eat things that are blue....it is purely psychological, i know, but cannot overcome it

2. i hate spiders...like jump up and scream like a schoolgirl scared of spiders....but had no problem with a 6 foot python living in my house.

3. i border on obsessive compulsive and now an observing my 2 year old son exhibiting some of the same behavior....it's hilarious and scary all at the same time!

yep, that's me....

kd_rundle said...

Some random things...

1. I still have not fully unpacked even though I've been in my apartment for going on 5 months now.

2. I go through cycles of being neat and clean to being a lazy slob.

3. I often dance around my apartment while I'm cooking, cleaning, just moving from one room to the next - if there is a fun song playing or no song at all.

terriH said...

oh, heidi...you and your blue food items. you're so funny.

um, okay...for me...

1. i have a paralyzing fear of crickets. seriously...P-A-R-A-L-Y-Z-I-N-G. i see one, i freeze. just ask ashlee. it's not pretty.

2. i love to take naps in a really cold room so i can snuggle in the blankets.

3. most of the time, i like animals more than people...especially the furry ones (the animals, that is). i'm a HUGE animal fan. LOVE them. i'm thinking that my spot in heaven will be surrounded by furry animals of all kind. there will be NO crickets.


Laura said...

ooooo... terri's number 2.. that's me too.. can I do that now??
oooh precious precious nap where art thou!?!

Lisa said...

My randomness:

1) I'm with Terri. Animals are ADORABLE. I like to try to imitate their "talk"- from bird squeaks to barks.

2) Food and drink must go together. I won't do either by itself unless I'm CRAZY dehydrated or hungry.

3) I don't know my right and left. I have some kind of mental block to remembering it. I have to hold up my index finger and thumb and see which makes an "L" for left. Just yesterday I discovered that I do better when I think of right and left in Spanish-- derecha and izqierda (?) I think-- so maybe I should try that approach.

Rebecca said...

My three random things

1. I used to get up in the middle of the night and write differnet eppifanys (sp?) on my arm with pen and then wake up and read them.

2. I love ice cream, baking, reading, going to movies, and watching tv.

3. I've never had a boyfriend in all 26 years of my life, and in true random form - I've never been out to eat by myself and never will.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Thank you everyone for sharing!

I loved reading everyone's comments... I have the best blog readers around!

And a couple of additions to some of your comments...

Heidi can't even watch other people eat some blue foods, like cake with blue frosting....out of the question! I LOVE this about her! Makes me smile....

Kristy, amen on #2...that is so me as well...

Terri is absolutely terrified of crickets. It is true, and hilarious! Which is funny because she does love other living creatures so much.... I have Terri to thank for having any kind of room in my heart for animals, the very little bit that I do have is because of her!

Lisa is the smartest person I know who absolutely can not differeniate between left or right without about three minutes to decide for sure. HILARIOUS!!!!

Would love to hear from more of you....


Joe said...

ok...here goes....

1. i have had more random jobs than anyone as young as i am, that i know of...(carnie, dishwasher, bagger, meat cutter, bill collector, grocery store clerk, medic, hardware store clerk, youth minister, residential advisor (job corps), bus driver, moving man, delivery driver, warehouseman (at two different places), camp director...(and that's not even all of them!

2. i love to mow grass...i can do it all day and be very happy at the end of the day...

3. if you ever want to see me really mad...i mean really fired up...take me to some place where the customer service is horrible...

ok...there's 3!