Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday finds...

I have been mulling this idea around in my head for a couple of weeks, and now am going to share it with you.

I am going to post great internet "finds" on Sundays. It could be favorite new blogs to read, internet specials, a great article, or anything I find funny or worthwhile.

And, I would love for you to do the same. You can leave links in the comments, or set up your own post about great finds but somehow let's share the wealth.

What do you say?

Great, glad you like the idea!

So, for the first edition of Sunday finds I offer these links...

This blog post brought me to tears. The visual image is so powerful. Then I discovered, as I read through older posts that this is the blog of someone "famous" in the Christian music industry.

Go here for some really cool blogger layouts. I had much fun picking out my new look, and now I think you all should take a look around too. (Not that I am saying your blogs are ugly, just if you want something more unique...)

CVS 101... do any of you out there do this stuff? I was shocked to discover a whole world out there in cyberspace who do, and I think I might join when I have one less job! Share your thoughts...

And, for any of you who have recently had to give up your beloved Diet Coke, I have a fabulous replacement drink. You see, even though I stopped drinking Diet Coke, Sonic still feels it is necessary to have Happy Hour, and offer it at half price. I simply had to find a replacement drink, because Lord knows I wouldn't want to pocket all that money I would still love to spend it on Styrofoam and liquid goodness. So, my dear blogger friends, I offer you Blackberry and Raspberry Ice Tea from Sonic. (If you get the unsweet variety it is only 10 calories for a Route 44, and no sugar!!!)

Come on, share your finds with the rest of us...


Anonymous said...

Great idea, Ashes to Ashes...

Ashlee Liddell said...

are you ever going to blog again?

will you come back to bible study if i make pizza dip??? :)

Laura said...


terriH said...

okay, just so you know...i went to that blog you mentioned...angies...just spent the first 2 hours of my morning here at work reading that last 6 months of her blog. i couldn't stop myself. it's a good thing i was at work because it stopped me from breaking down into hysterics of crying. oh my goodness!! i don't even know what to say or how to comment. precious. yet so sad.

i should do some work now.

Laura said...

I did that same thing, I have spent some hours with angie's blog as well. And WOW! I don't think I could do that everyday.

Ashlee Liddell said...

it is amazing, isn't it??? I have been really touched by their story of faith. I spent hours going through the past history, and shed so many tears..... be glad you were at work terri!!!