Friday, May 09, 2008

To do lists...

I just cleaned out my purse. My NEW purse, and I discovered three "blogging" to do lists.

That is right faithful readers, I make notes about the wonderful, thought-provoking, life changing things I want to share with you all. Really, I do!

I just sat here and tried to take a picture to prove it to you, but the lighting is so bad in my room they were, just trust me. (If you know me, you have no problem at all believing that I would make to do lists for my blog!)

The first on the blogging list was the price tag off of my new purse. There are multiple reasons it made it on the blog list. I have a thing about purses; I love to buy new ones. The last one I carried was pretty small, and recently the object of much joking from the coffee girls as I had to take everything out to find something one night. The consensus; I was not a small purse gal, but oh so desperately wanted to be one!

So, I simply HAD to get a new purse. Target was calling my name, and I promptly answered.

But, when I arrived I had to "phone a friend" because the clearance aisle got to me. I almost left with ten purses, but thanks to Heidi I only left with two for me, and two for gifts. Why?

Because my first purse was originally 24.99, then 17.48, then 12.48, then 6.24!!! Who could pass it up?!?!

Then, my second purse was 3.24, and the gift purses were 2.14!!!

The second item on my blogging list was a quote from lunch yesterday with Alaina, who is Amber and Joe's five year old daughter. We were sitting at the table, and she was telling me about her day.

I said, "I am so glad I get to have lunch with you."
To which she replied, " Yeah, so I could tell you all the things you never knew."

Not only was this extremely HILARIOUS to me, but it really got me thinking. Kids just get it. They just get the things that are so hard for adults to understand. She was giving me a statement that so clearly stated her value on community, friendship, and love. She trusted that my statement to her was true, that I was glad to be with her, because I wanted to know what was important to her. And all the things she told me, where things that were important in her day, that I didn't know about. She wanted to share her life with me, and she trusted me to value it the same way she did.

I love that girl.

I think I will leave the third item for a separate post. This one is getting a little long...

When was the last time YOU cleaned out your purse? And, what was the most interesting thing you found after cleaning it out???


Lisa said...

I'm also not a small purse person, but as you know, I went with a small big purse this time. Despite what the Starbucks barista says, it's definitely a "small purse." That's why I assumed that if my car charger for my cell phone were in there, I'd be aware of it. So for weeks after my car had died and I got it back from repair, I looked everywhere for that charger-- in all the bags I had taken out of the car, in the car, trunk, garage, and house. But this past week I cleaned my purse out looking for something and THERE she was. The car charger taking up the whole bottom of my purse, unnoticed....

OK ok how bout this: it's a small purse *for me.* Anything that isn't a messenger bag or a backpack is a small purse in my world.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Oh Lisa...

I will give you that, it is a "small purse" FOR YOU!!! It might be a carry on for others, but a small purse for you...

Thanks for sharing!

Cindyisms said...

Yay! WOOHOO! Way to go on your budgetwise purse-chases, Ashlee (pun intended)! Were they the cute, metallic ones with the chunky gold chain handles or the breezy, summer-printed totes?!?! It's been too long since I've been to Target, but I remember seeing those were marked down and was hoping they'd go down even more!

I've been rotating my purses around, so in the past week, I've used two clutches, a medium-sized red shoulder bag, and my favorite brown oversized one - except now that I've streamlined out everything but my cell, keys, wallet, sunglasses, lipgloss, pen and camera, there's not much to put in all the nifty compartments. And, truth be told, I'm a compartments gal. I get such a kick from filling up all the cute pockets and zippered hideaways...But the clutches have proven themselves incredibly reliable, thru all the past months when I needed to use crutches and found that the heavier purses threw off my center of gravity!

My favorite purse find was money that I had hidden away and actually found on a Rainy Day when I really needed a cup of Godiva cocoa and to fill the gas tank! My most interesting find was the praying mantis, from the time I put my purse out on the sand when we were at the beach.

Laura said...

Hurray! on the 'buy'.. the craziest thing I ever pulled out of my purse... well being a mom maybe not so crazy.. half eaten bagel. There is usually a granola bar and/or a packet of oatmeal tucked in the the side pocket. BUT a half eaten bagel.. only my kids could have placed such a thing. I have found toy cars, gijoes, half eaten pb&j (in a ziplock thankfully), a soda can(empty)..cups.. and my favorite.. silverware!

I do like small purses.. And I have a large purse that I keep the bulk of my stuff.. and then the small purse goes in the front pocket of the big purse.. so I pull out the small one when I don't need the other stuff.. or a snack..

terriH said...

i used to be more of a medium sized purse chick. but now that there are little girls in my world, it has moved to a bigger purse and i find myself now perusing the even bigger purses cuz i'm outgrowing the one i have now. when we have the kiddos, i am forever shoving stuff in my purse that is their stuff.

as far as anything totally weird in my purse...i can't think of anything. ooh, but here's a story that kinda relates but not really.

around christmas time this last year, the garage door opener that was in my car disappeared. poof. gone. looked EVERYWHERE for it. it was gone. i freaked out because i was afraid someone had come into our garage and taken out of my car and was going to use it to break into our house at some point. my husband tried to quell my worrisome head but to no avail.

one weekend shortly after, i was out and about and kyle was home with the girls. i tried to call him on his cell phone and our land line and NO ONE answered. again, i freaked out convinced the garage door opener perpetrator had arrived and had my little family bound and gagged (seriously). when i finally go a hold of kyle, i burst into tears.

that same day, kyle called the garage door opener people and had them come out and give us a new one.

here's the funny. SEVERAL months later, i was cleaning out the storage closet and across some shopping bags from christmas...i had apparently re-used them for who knows what. and lo and behold, in the bottom of one of those sacks...

the old garage door opener.


okay, so it wasn't a purse that i found it in but it was a BAG.

(and i'm not totally convinced the garage door opener perpetrator didn't plant it there to make me think i'm crazy...because, clearly, i not!)

i'm done now.

HeidiZizz said...

oh terri...i am cracking up! that is all i can you, friend!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Yes, Terri, clearly you are not crazy. Clearly.


Your comment made me laugh, smile, and just plain miss you!