Wednesday, May 07, 2008

It's 4 o'clock...

My day has looked like this;
-awake, prepare for day, arrive at work
- teacher devotion
-two classes today
-leave school for funeral of the mother of one of my students
-leave funeral for staff meeting (church)
(lunch at meeting)
-hang afterward and spend some real time with worship pastor
-phone chat to keep me grounded (thanks ber!)
- come home check email, read Lisa's blog and give up on her contest
- change out of work clothes
-post this little ditty
- about to head out to go pick up Addi

Add all this up, and I have had a day that reminds me why I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is in control. That He has a plan and purpose for my life, and that He knows what is best for me.

The crazy thing is, I feel the "fullest" I have felt in several weeks.

And some time with my Addi will do my soul even more good.

Thanks friends, for lifting me up and praying for me this week...


Rebecca said...

I'm glad you are getting even more confirmation that you are doing the right thing leaving the school. I know it's really hard leaving the kids, and the teachers, and the families that have adopted you in as much as you have them. God has a great, mighty, and fulfilling plan for you.